Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”.
There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants that make excellent groundcover and space filler in your garden and landscape.
There are also Pelargoniums, which are more delicate plants hailing from South Africa. In this article, we will discuss both members of the geranium family and share some smart tips for their use and care.

Christmas Fern

Christmas Fern

The Christmas Fern got its name because it flowers in winter and stays green throughout the holidays. The fronds of this plant are up to 3 feet long and 4 inches wide, and the fronds have dark green leaves. When other plants are dormant, this plant adds color and interest to the garden. Growing Christmas…

Spectacular Annuals for Containers 
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Spectacular Annuals for Containers 

Annuals for containers are great for novice gardeners or anyone who wants to add interest and colour to their porch or patio. The most eye-catching arrangements combine contrasting colours, textures and leaf sizes for optimal interest. Here are my top 10 suggestions for plants to include in container arrangements or hanging baskets: Mandevilla vine Given…

Sansevieria makes a Very Adaptable Houseplant

Sansevieria makes a Very Adaptable Houseplant

The snake plant or Sansevieria pronounced (san-se-vi-ee’-ri-ah) – A genus of perennial herbs with stiff, very thick leaves, often mottled with white, and clustered flowers on slender stalks A member of the Asparagaceae Family, popularly goes by other common names. The very “politically correct” Mother-in-Law’s tongue, snake tongue and Bowstring-hemp. The snake plant makes and excellent potted plant indoors as a houseplant or outdoors. Sansevieria is undoubtedly one of the most easily recognized plants in the world.

Fern Care Guide

Fern Care Guide

Photo by: Lesley Davidson We all love ferns, they are a classic houseplant. Ferns come in all kinds of sizes, textures and colors. Yet as far as plants go, they can be fussy. Laura from Garden Answer has the scoop. If your fern is happy and healthy, great job! You can probably skip some of…

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