
  • Gardening in the Month of September

    For Ottawa – Zone 5

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  • Glory of the Snow with its blue flowers

    10 Fabulous Bulbs to Plant in the Fall 

    It’s time to set the stage for brilliant spring color by choosing bulbs to plant in the fall to enjoy in your beds, borders, and…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • One puppy on grass chewing a stick

    Keep Dogs Out of Your Garden

    Keep your dog out of your garden and your precious flowerbeds without limiting their freedom. Sometimes it’s not so much the flowers and plants…

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  • Two tulipa tarda yellow and white flowers, that look like cooked eggs

    My Spring Garden

    My spring garden is bursting with new life. Isn’t this the most glorious time of the year? I am overwhelmed by how green and…

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  • Pea seeds in pots and containers growing in a greenhouse

    Planting Peas from Seed

    Pea seeds are also placed in cardboard tubes, which keep them safe even after they’ve been planted out. Greetings fellow gardeners,   Bee and…

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  • Brown and White dog with safe garden flowers and plants

    Toxic Plants for Dogs and Cats, and Safe Flowers

    It is important to be aware that plants and flowers are toxic to dogs and cats. This list can vary for dogs, cats, horses,…

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  • Bouquet of Gorgeous Flowers

    The Meaning of Gorgeous Flowers

    Flowers are incredible natural beings. They are delightful and emitting delicious fragrances much to everyone’s delight. But flowers also carry deep meanings to let…

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  • a flower bed with for large stones, attractively set

    Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas for the New Gardener

    As a new gardener, you’re likely dreaming of all of the things you could do with your landscaping. Maybe it’s a yard full of…

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  • New spring purple and yellow flowers growing

    Veggie Bites – Colour in my garden

    Colour is coming back to my garden. The crocuses are jewel-like in the early morning, the bloodroot opens up to the spring sunshine, and…

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  • A small patch of Purple Crocus making their spring appearance

    Veggie Bites – Bulbs Growing

    But then I saw a large leaf of green poking up! I have bulbs growing and that is amazing. I am not sure what…

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  • snowdrops and Daffodils nubbins jutting from the ground i the spring

    Veggie Bites – Burdock and Wild Parsnip

    I use this time of year to pull out burdock and wild parsnip plants. Their long tap roots have not developed the little hair-like…

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  • Veggie Bites – Roses

    My next big chore is to protect my roses; I have a lot of them. All of my roses are hardy, and most are…

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  • 24 Flowers For September and October

    Visit your local nurseries in September and October and you’ll see plenty of spring-flowering bulbs for sale to be planted in fall. But live…

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  • To Everything There Is A Season – Even Plants

    The post To Everything There Is A Season – Even Plants appeared first on Plant Care Today. A time to plant, and a time…

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  • Lenten rose with burgundy pink buds open to ivory with a pink blush

    Plant your Window Flower Boxes Like a Garden

    Dressing up window boxes can add so much beauty and curb appeal to your home. They instantly greet you the moment you walk up…

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  • Fall Bulb Design: Easy, Colorful Combinations

    Fall-planted bulbs are some of the easiest ways to add impactful colour to your spring garden.

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  • Bring Spring Flowers and Bulbs into Your Home

    Notes from the Old Ottawa South Garden Club The last meeting in 2016 of the Old Ottawa South Garden Club (OOSGC) featured a presentation…

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