
  • Ways to Protect Your Garden in Harsh Heat

    Summer is a season that is harsh for not only for humans but also for plants and crops. The scorching heat and dehydrate the…

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  • A field of sunflowers ready to seed

    Sunflowers are Nutritional, Long Summer Bloomers

    Sunflowers are versatile plants that provide a long summer bloom for the perennial border or cutting garden. They are also effective in a native…

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  • A mound of white Diatomaceous earth

    Diatomaceous Earth Keeps Insects Away

    Insects are all at once the friend and the foe of the gardener. Beneficial bugs help with pollination and can help to keep the…

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  • purple and white calibrachoa flowers in white ceramic vase

    How To Grow And Care For Calibrachoa – Million Bells

    You’ve seen the Calibrachoa, a tender perennial commonly known as “Million Bells.” You’ve enjoyed this plant in the nightshade family filling containers and baskets…

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  • One herb plant growing through dark and healthy soil

    All Seasons Gardening Tips

    All season gardening provides many benefits. By incorporating the right type of gardening into your routine, you can save money on your grocery bill…

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  • Succession Gardening

    What is succession gardening? In the case of vegetable gardening, this is a way to grow plants to increase the yields of your crops…

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  • red and black lady bug - a good bug - on green leaf plant

    Beneficial Insects and Good Bugs For Your Garden

    Here’s the deal on Beneficial Insects (aka good garden bugs). You may think all insects are pests or bugs, but that simply is not…

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  • orange and black monarch butterfly on flower

    Choosing Plants for a Butterfly Garden

    Butterflies need two types of plants to survive: the host plant and the food plant. Attracting butterflies to your garden takes more than just…

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  • Threatening storm approaching a sunny area with vegetation

    Climate Change Adaptation for Gardeners

    Unfortunately, climate change is threatening the gardening experience. There have been changes and more changes are coming. Fortunately, gardeners can play an important role…

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  • yellow, red, and green fall leaves as a reminder for your fall gardening checklist

    Do You Have A Fall Gardening Checklist?

    A fall gardening checklist is provided below to assist you in completing tasks. Take out your pen or pencil and jot down any ideas…

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  • A dozen or more aphids with a red and black ladybug on green leaf

    Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

    Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested…

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  • A big orange pepper on a plant

    A Great Year for Growing Peppers

    I am going to try to save the seeds from which to grow peppers, but I am not sure if they will be viable.…

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  • The branch of a coffee plant will many coffee beans


    Many people cannot get enough coffee and start growing coffee plants in their homes! It is essential to take care of the coffee plant…

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  • A scene full of cool weather crops, floers and greenery

    Second Crops

    Planting second crops of peas and beans and other vegetables at this time is well worth the effort. My fourth crop of lettuce is…

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  • A wooden walkway with yellow mud boots against a garden.

    Planning A Garden Wisely: How To Avoid Garden Planning Mistakes

    Growing a garden is a great way to make your yard look beautiful while adding to nature. There are many different garden styles and…

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  • Showing various crops in a cool planter

    Veggie Bites – Cool Crop Planter and Gypsy Moths

    If you would like to try a cool crop planter, you can plant one now. Find a large pot and place it in partial…

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  • Gardening in shipping containers

    Shipping Containers and Sustainable Food Production

    It is a well-known fact by now that our current way of living on the planet is not sustainable. Global population continues to grow.…

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  • A scene full of cool weather crops, floers and greenery

    Veggie Bites – Rose Petal Jelly

    The rose I went for is the one I know as Frontenac. I brought a four-cup measuring cup with me and filled it with…

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  • One herb plant growing through dark and healthy soil

    Improve Your Garden Soil This Spring

    Healthy soil full of the right nutrients is vital if you want to grow anything from flowers to vegetables in your garden. If you…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Veggie Bites – Planting Vegetables

    It is not too early to be planting some vegetables such as peas, chard, kale, beets, and lettuce. These cool weather crops will be…

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  • A leafy area with pests on it's twigs

    19 Garden Pests and How To Treat Them

    Unfortunately, one of the most severe issues you will face off is the fight with pests. I will list you here some basic strategies…

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  • orange and black monarch butterfly on flower

    Veggie Bites – Monarch Waystation

    You will need milkweed for a Monarch Waystation; however, I know of people who are allergic to milkweed and find it difficult to be…

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  • A young boy watering a raised vegetable garden

    Mindful Gardening Outdoors and Inside

    We all know now that gardens and gardening enhance the wellbeing and happiness of people. That includes enjoying not only the beauty and the…

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  • bunch of green beans

    Sweet Peas

    On a happy note, I have sent in most of my seed orders. I didn’t get a lot this year as I kept discovering…

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