
  • Children in skeleton costumes sitting on brick wall which borders a garden

    Garden Brick Ideas for an Attractive Landscape

    Garden brick ideas can be elegant, functional, and can make your landscape even more inviting and exciting. Use bricks for walkways and garden wall…

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  • A garden with many decorative stones and rocks and a stone path

    Landscaping, Accenting with Garden Stones

    Garden stones come in many different types available for landscape use. Each type is suited for a different use, making it important that when…

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  • Crumbling concrete breaking up

    Fix Deteriorated Concrete Patio

    Fixing deteriorated concrete patio is usually a priority because it’s an eyesore, can cause personal injury and can lead to bigger problems with higher…

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  • A bumblebee approaching light purple colored flower

    Bumblebees and Seeds

    I never realized how much I did not know about bumblebees. And, this week I started going through the seeds that I collected and…

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  • A central path between gardens with a wheelbarrow

    Intelligent Styling Ideas For Your Garden

    A lot of people put all of their focus into redecorating and renovating the inside of their homes, forgetting how important it is to…

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  • New spring purple and yellow flowers growing

    Veggie Bites – Colour in my garden

    Colour is coming back to my garden. The crocuses are jewel-like in the early morning, the bloodroot opens up to the spring sunshine, and…

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  • Two people planting seeds in a hydroponic device

    Best Nutrients for Growing Vegetables

    Whether you are growing vegetables in a traditional garden or growing vegetables with hydroponics, the proper nutrients can help with higher yields, sweeter vegetables…

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  • green and brown plastic pack

    A Quick Guide to Composting

    If you’re looking for a way to add minerals, nutrients, and soil-enriching microorganisms into your garden, let us guide you on composting. Composting is good…

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  • An outdoor living space terrace with a rattan corner sofa, hanging chair and round rug

    Having Outdoor Living Space That’s Fun and Functional

    Create an indoor and outdoor living space you love. Use these tips to build or re-design your porch or patio so you can enjoy every…

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  • How To Grow Succulent Plants Outdoors

    Dramatic, bizarre garden succulents lend themselves perfectly to the enhancing of contemporary architecture. Once banished to the rock garden, these plants are becoming more…

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  • A professionally finished outdoor kitchen

    Maximize Your Outdoor Space

    Not everyone can enjoy the luxury of a big lawn for their gardening. Living in a city apartment or sharing a house might only…

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  • Garden Edging For Landscaping: Guide, Tips & Ideas

    Yard edging is giving plants their space to grow no matter how small, or large the landscape is. Not sure how to edge your…

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  • A wood compost bin

    On Buying Compost Bins

    Invariably organic gardeners face the question, which type of compost bin should I buy? A stationary bin or tumbler? And how large?

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  • A kitchen window sill with pots and plants

    Make the Most of Windowsills & Small Spaces

    Here’s a guide to making any windowsill or small space come alive with plants, herbs, and even flowers!

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  • a row of railing planters with red and yellow flowers

    Railing Planters Bring Color To Outdoor Living

    Railing planters help fix one of the downsides of living in an apartment in a big city (or any city for that matter). The…

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  • 8 Ways On Killing Weeds Naturally

    Don’t you hate those garden weeds? Looking to rid your garden of those pesky weeds naturally? Tired of using chemical based products like Roundup…

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  • Young plants growing through holes in garden sheeting

    How To Use Plastic Sheeting And Mulch In The Garden

    The use of plastic sheeting or mulch in the garden proves to be a useful tool for some garden crops. Many crops do well…

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  • A composite photo of 6 different pergola designs

    Pergola Design: Make Your Backyard A Beautiful Hangout

    In pergola design plans, also known as an arbour or arbor forms a shaded area, a passage, a walkway or sitting areas & standing…

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  • Angel Stone garden path through a yellow and red flower garden

    Stone Garden Path Ideas For Garden Walkways

    Adding a stone garden path in the garden can accentuate, connect and tie the landscape together. You don’t need a pro for ideas for…

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  • Create A Plant in a Pot Masterpiece

    Sometimes we try to complicate things. In much of my life I’ve found the KISS principal serves me well – Keep It Simple Stupid.…

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  • Home Inspections: Why To Look At More Than Just The House

    When you purchase a home, many buyers will opt to have a home inspection done on the property. This inspection can be very helpful…

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