
  • Wildflowers with a sunny backdrop

    Favorite Easy-To-Grow Wildflower Combinations

    Zinnias and Cosmos are one of the easiest and most prolific annual combinations for endless blooms from summer through fall. Bonus: This combination makes…

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  • A big clump of Canada Milk Vetch in full sun

    Canada Milk Vetch

    Canada Milk Vetch is great for attracting hummingbirds, birds, butterflies, and bees. The flowers and seed heads are excellent for bouquets, and the leaves…

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  • A field of sunflowers ready to seed

    Sunflowers are Nutritional, Long Summer Bloomers

    Sunflowers are versatile plants that provide a long summer bloom for the perennial border or cutting garden. They are also effective in a native…

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  • Lilac Care and Propagation

    Lilacs are some of the most beautiful plants, with their vibrant colours and sweet fragrance! They are perfect for any landscaping application, including hedges, foundation plantings, small…

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  • Four colourful coleus plants

    Care and Use Colorful Coleus Plants

    Coleus is ideal for anyone who wants color in a hurry – in the garden, around the patio or as an indoor plant. There’s…

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  • orange and black monarch butterfly on flower

    Choosing Plants for a Butterfly Garden

    Butterflies need two types of plants to survive: the host plant and the food plant. Attracting butterflies to your garden takes more than just…

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  • Bouquet of Gorgeous Flowers

    The Meaning of Gorgeous Flowers

    Flowers are incredible natural beings. They are delightful and emitting delicious fragrances much to everyone’s delight. But flowers also carry deep meanings to let…

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  • An elegant bouquet of striking flowers with pink lilies and rose

    On the Meaning of a Lily: Colour is Key

    Lilies are absolutely beautiful flowers that can be given as gifts. Do they symbolize something? The delightful white lily is a popular choice to…

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  • Two women, a senior with potentially a daughter, pruning a plant in a beautiful backyard setting

    7 Gardening Projects that are Perfect for Seniors

    Whether you’re doing it indoors or outside, gardening is a pastime that offers lots of benefits to seniors.  Not only can fun gardening projects…

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  • A sedum flower in its fall colours

    Learn How To Grow Sedum Plants

    These easy-care, low-water plants are found in the Northern Hemisphere, but some members are native to South America and Africa.

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  • Bring Spring Flowers and Bulbs into Your Home

    Notes from the Old Ottawa South Garden Club The last meeting in 2016 of the Old Ottawa South Garden Club (OOSGC) featured a presentation…

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