
  • A cluster of bright Red Geranium flowers

    Geraniums are Easy Care Summer Darlings

    There are two types of plants that most people refer to as “geraniums”. There are “true geraniums”, which are hardy, native and wild plants…

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  • A number of fresh and ripe raspberries on their vine are acid loving plants

    Acid Loving Plants That Like Acidic Soil

    If you have acidic soil which is below a pH of 7, but ideally hanging out at around 5.5, you could have great ground…

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  • A close up photo of a red Canna Lily flower

    Spectacular Annuals for Containers 

    Annuals for containers are great for novice gardeners or anyone who wants to add interest and colour to their porch or patio. The most…

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  • Shade Garden at the Ramble

    Shade Garden at the Ramble

    Shade garden design can provide difficulties: it can range from deep shade to mild shade, and from dry to moist. Plants respond to soil…

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  • A cleaned up and made over indoor garden

    Building a Seed Growing Light Stand

    You can construct a seed growing light stand or modify an inexpensive shelving unit. You will need to take into account a few factors:…

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  • White cat in front of Christmas tree

    Taking a Break Towards Fresh and Crunchy

    I am going to take a break for the rest of 2021 and will be back fresh and crunchy in January. I have no…

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  • Two hands cupped together holding seeds

    About Ordering Your Seeds

    I used to be early if my order was in February, but now you will find many of the seeds that you want are…

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  • person showing green plant in garden

    Planning My Garden Layout

    There are several places in my garden that need a change. The tomatoes have been in the same area for a long time and…

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  • Swiss chard plant

    Bringing Lantana Indoors, Raspberry Royale, Red Malabar

    To bring my Lantana indoors for the winter, I repotted it after checking for any creatures that might be lurking in the leaves and…

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  • yellow, red, and green fall leaves as a reminder for your fall gardening checklist

    Do You Have A Fall Gardening Checklist?

    A fall gardening checklist is provided below to assist you in completing tasks. Take out your pen or pencil and jot down any ideas…

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  • Showing various crops in a cool planter

    Veggie Bites – Cool Crop Planter and Gypsy Moths

    If you would like to try a cool crop planter, you can plant one now. Find a large pot and place it in partial…

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  • Black vine weeveil beetle crawling

    Black Vine Weevil Beetles And Larvae Control

    Taxus weevil is a very serious pest both landscape plantings and in nursery and greenhouse settings. Hailing from Europe, this pest was first seen…

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  • a package of microgreen seeds

    Veggie Bites – Microgreens

    Microgreens are basically the seedlings of edible vegetables like beets and kale, or herbs like basil or cilantro. Their popularity in the kitchen seemed…

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  • A hanging ceramic pot with a healthy light green succulent

    15 Small Plants For Hanging Baskets

    Walk through a garden center and you’ll find all kinds of hanging baskets.Below is a collection of small plants, and how they can grow…

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  • A kitchen window sill with pots and plants

    Make the Most of Windowsills & Small Spaces

    Here’s a guide to making any windowsill or small space come alive with plants, herbs, and even flowers!

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  • 17 Best Bathroom Plants, How to Choose and Use

    Houseplants improve the air quality in your home by cleaning the toxins from the air. While it’s advisable to have houseplants in every room,…

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  • Flowers with Vegetables: Beauty and the Eats

    Master Gardener Judith Cox gave a presentation on how to grow flowers and vegetables together for beauty and food.

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  • Flowers with Vegetables: Beauty and the Eats

    Master Gardener Judith Cox gave a presentation on how to grow flowers and vegetables together for beauty and food.

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