Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested plants, attached to clothing, or by the wind through an open window. A few aphids can damage your garden, crops, and indoor plants. Consider, though, that aphids are also food for…

On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur
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On Saving Tomato Seeds and Using Hügelkultur

I have been saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades. The raw seed going straight to a paper towel to dry works, but it is a hassle getting the seed detached from the towel. Seeds with gel are really stuck to the paper towels. Greetings fellow gardeners,   This morning I woke up to the…

Experimenting with Vegetable Gardening
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Experimenting with Vegetable Gardening

The marigolds, calendula and alyssum that were planted as tomato companion plants are doing well. As the blooms of the alyssum started to fade, I cut them back and now the new growth is looking good. My marigolds, which attract many beneficial insects, appear to be attracting earwigs as well. Greetings fellow gardeners,  Summer continues…

8 Cannabis Strains with a Strong and Uplifting Effect

8 Cannabis Strains with a Strong and Uplifting Effect

Cannabis has grown exponentially throughout the world, with cultivators continually searching for the most effective variants to meet the consumer’s “mind-blowing” and elevating desires. Are you a cannabis enthusiast who is constantly on a hunt for and experimenting with new strains of cannabis? If so, you may value this cannabis strain guide. The ever-expanding cannabis…

Veggie Bites – Hybridized Tomato and Rhubarb
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Veggie Bites – Hybridized Tomato and Rhubarb

They discovered that when Joan’s father saved the seed it started reverting and became its own type of tomato. If for example you use a grocery store tomato for seeds, because it is hybridized you will not get the same tomato with which you started. Greetings fellow gardeners,  I have been hoping for rain for…

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