Swamp Rose Mallow

Swamp Rose Mallow

Swamp Rose Mallow, known as hibiscus moscheutos, has exotic, oversized flowers that are very striking. There are five overlapping petals, each with a reddish-purple to dark crimson base that forms a sharp contrast with the central eye of the flower. The bloom lasts only 1-2 days, but new flowers open every day over the long…



Bellwort is an excellent early-blooming native shade plant for the woodland garden, shaded border, wildflower garden, or naturalized area. It spreads slowly by rhizomes, so you can achieve a mass planting look under shade trees or along wood margins in a relatively short amount of time. Bellwort is easily grown in average, well-drained soil in…

All About Bloodroot: Characteristics, Propagation, and Care

All About Bloodroot: Characteristics, Propagation, and Care

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a perennial herbaceous flowering plant native to eastern North America, known for its distinctive white flowers and reddish-orange sap. The plant has historical significance in native medicine and, more recently, has attracted interest for its potential medicinal properties. However, it’s also appreciated for its ornamental value in gardens. Here’s what you…

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed

Eutrochium maculatum, sometimes known as Joe Pye Weed, is a stunning plant that grows tall with robust stems that rarely need to be anchored. It is excellent for establishing views in the garden. The purple-speckled stems match the dusty rose-colored blooms, which appear from July to early October. Because it self-produces and ‘travels’ effectively, it…

Spotted Beebalm

Spotted Beebalm

The Spotted Beebalm is an unusual beauty in form and colour, distinguished by its pagoda-like blossoms. It has eye-catching clusters of creamy purple-spotted tubular blooms sitting on pink, lavender, or ivory bracts. Flowering starts in mid-summer and continues into the fall. Spotted Beebalm, a member of the mint family, has a sweet and pleasant scent….

Common Sneezeweed

Common Sneezeweed

Common Sneezeweed looks gorgeous when planted en masse and mixes wonderfully with decorative grasses or other perennial plants. It has daisy-like blooms that often attract bees and butterflies. Their blooms have characteristic wedge-shaped, brilliant yellow rays and conspicuous, dome-like, yellow centre discs. The three-lobed petals of all sneezeweeds differentiate them from Rudbeckia and other yellow…

Monkey Flower

Monkey Flower

Named monkeyflower after the apparent resemblance the blooms have to a monkey’s face, the Square-Stemmed Monkeyflower bears asymmetrical, tubular violet or pink flowers which bloom nearly continuously over a long season from early summer to fall. The flowers contrast nicely with the bright green leaves; both the foliage and the flowers of this plant are…

Canada Violet

Canada Violet

Canada Violet, a native upright perennial forb, grows 8 to 16 inches tall on stems that might be smooth, green, somewhat angular, or covered in extremely fine hair. This variety is distinguished from other white violas by its flowers, which emerge from the upper leaf axils, and by its yellow petal bases. They are resilient…

Sweet White Violet

Sweet White Violet

Sweet White Violet (Viola blanda) is a low-growing stoloniferous perennial with basal, heart-shaped leaves and fragrant, white flowers with strongly reflexed upper petals and a purple-veined lower petal. Sweet white violets can be found in open mixed woods and clearings in their native eastern United States and Canada. In the wild, they spread to form…

Dog Violet

Dog Violet

Dog Violet (Viola conspersa) is common in fields and pastures. It can be used as ground cover. The plants are only 2-4 cm tall in the spring, but they grow taller later in the summer. It has hairless leaves. The basal leaves are round or kidney-shaped, with rounded tips and fine rounded marginal teeth; the…

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