

Jack in the Pulpit has a unique and beautiful tubular green leaf. It is easily grown in fertile, medium to wet soil in part shade to full shade. It needs constantly moist soil rich in organic matter. Caring for Jack in the Pulpit Growing Jack-in-the-pulpit flowers is as simple as caring for them. A wet,…



Rhododendron are highly valued in landscaping. Their gorgeous pink flowers brighten up any location. The flowers also attract bees and the rare bog elfin butterfly (Callophrys lanoraieensis) that drinks its nectar after hatching. They are a remarkable flower because of their explosive, butterfly-like look. Where to Plant In nature, find rhododendron in acid soils and…

How To Grow And Care For Bromeliads Plants

How To Grow And Care For Bromeliads Plants

You may be surprised to know that pineapples are a type of terrestrial bromeliad, and they have a quite complex root system. They grow in a manner that is very similar to other types of plants, in that the roots gather water and nutrients to nourish the growing plant. Epiphytic bromeliads, on the other hand gather nutrients and moisture from the air. Tillandsia usneoides, or “air plant” is one example of this type of bromeliad, and Spanish moss is another.

Sansevieria makes a Very Adaptable Houseplant

Sansevieria makes a Very Adaptable Houseplant

The snake plant or Sansevieria pronounced (san-se-vi-ee’-ri-ah) – A genus of perennial herbs with stiff, very thick leaves, often mottled with white, and clustered flowers on slender stalks A member of the Asparagaceae Family, popularly goes by other common names. The very “politically correct” Mother-in-Law’s tongue, snake tongue and Bowstring-hemp. The snake plant makes and excellent potted plant indoors as a houseplant or outdoors. Sansevieria is undoubtedly one of the most easily recognized plants in the world.

How To Grow Forget Me Not Flower

How To Grow Forget Me Not Flower

The Forget Me Not flower, by any other name would not be so sweet to gardeners, nor would the other numerous little blue forget me not flowers affectionately given the same name by their admirers.
True forget-me-not flowers have been prized by gardeners for generations.
Perhaps the little blue flowers of the forget-me-not are cherished because they are reminiscent of gardens of the long ago childhood gardens, or those of a beloved mother or grandmother.

Care For Schefflera Arboricola – Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Care For Schefflera Arboricola – Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Schefflera makes a wonderful tropical houseplant. They are attractive and easy to care for. They are also good indoor air purifiers. Schefflera actinophylla is the “dwarf” sibling of the old-fashioned umbrella plant. Today, one variation of the giant Schefflera planted is named “Amate,” although “Dwarf Umbrella trees” have several kinds and can be found in practically…

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