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Seed Germination Tips
If you have started some seeds, the first thing that you should see is a pair of leaves. These are called seed leaves and almost every seed you plant will start out this way.
Greetings, fellow gardeners!
Another week has wandered by, and we are still at home. I spent a lot of time outside, and my knees are no longer speaking to me. Remember that this snow is temporary.
What to Do When Seed Start to Germinate
By now, if you have started some seeds, you will be noticing some growth, so they are germinating. The first thing that you should see is a pair of leaves. These are called seed leaves, and almost every seed you plant will start out this way. Of course, there are exceptions like grasses and bulbs, but for now, let’s concentrate on the majority. Once you see the seed leaves, the next step is for the little seedling to put out true leaves. At this point, you can move your seedling into its own pot if that is what you want to do. Remember that each time you move it, you risk losing it, so be careful.
How to Move a Seedling
To move a seedling, find a pencil or chopstick and make a hole in the new location. Wiggle the pencil down beside the seedling to loosen it, and gently tug on the seedling using the seed leaves. Place it into the hole you have made with the pencil. It is still too cold to put these seedlings outside.
Seed-Starting Mistakes to Avoid
Be aware of seed starting mistakes. Pay attention to sunlight needs, watering requirements, and timing—starting too soon or too late.
Hold on before you start your vine and tender crops. These plants cannot go outside until late May or early June, and starting them now will result in weak plants and lots of frustration. Tender plants should be started in early May. Most vegetable seeds do well planted directly in the ground.
This week I planted some lettuce in a pot outside in a sheltered spot and put in my first row of peas. I will plant another row of peas in two weeks, and so on until the end of May. Peas do not germinate very well if it is too hot. Next week I will probably plant radishes. I have spent a lot of time preparing areas for my vegetables being careful not to tramp around on the soil. This is the perfect time to pull out your burdock plants. Those burrs get on your clothes and dogs. Right now, their tap roots have not fully formed, and they slip out of the soil easily. I do not compost them.
If you are looking for seeds, especially seeds for our area, I suggest you check out Seeds of Diversity at Canadian sources are listed as well as specialized sources. For those of you missing your Saturday visit to the market, the Carp Farmers Market has a list of their vendors. Many of these vendors sell online. As a small business owner, I know how hard it is to not be able to meet the public, so our support of these businesses is appreciated.
Try hard not to compact your soil and give the grass a chance to form roots. The garden is waking up and will give us happiness at this difficult time. Enjoy!
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