White Spruce


Valeriia Miller vis Pixabay

If you love seeing wildlife, the white spruce provides nesting sites and shelter as well as food for many kinds of wildlife. Birds and ducks prefer the seeds. Leaves are eaten by rabbits and deer. Red squirrels eat the seeds from the pinecones, and the spruce shoots. The bark is enjoyed by both porcupines and black bears, sometimes to the detriment of the trees.

Commonly used as a holiday tree, and for wood pulp and lumber. Susceptible to spruce budworm.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Picea glauca

En français: Épinette blanche

Sun / Shade:

Water: Low to moderate need for water.


Hardiness Zones:

Its natural habitat: Grows in a variety of situations, from uplands to wetlands..

A mature white spruce in a open space
A mature white spruce in a open space

Caring for White Spruce

White Spruce Does best in moist, well-drained humous soil, although will tolerate a variety of acidic and alkaline soils. (ph 5.0-6.0).

These large trees transplant easily. Does best in cool climates but tolerates wind, heat, drought and crowding. Moderate pollution tolerance.

Companion plant suggestions include Trembling Aspen, White Birch, Balsam Fir.


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