Downy Serviceberry Quick Growth Guide


Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Downy Serviceberry provides food for over 40 species of birds. The berries can be used to make jams or pies and taste almost like the berries from the Highbush Blueberry.

It prefers acidic, moist, well-drained soils, but is adaptable to many soil conditions.

Quick Growing Guide

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Botanical Name: Amelanchier arborea spp. arbor

En français: Amélanchier aborescent

See More Plants in this Botanical Family:



Sun / Shade:

Water: Low to moderate need for water.


Hardiness Zones:

In nature, it grows in open fields, fencerows, edges of woods, thickets, and stream banks. It is adaptable to many garden uses; wildflower gardens, borders, and mass planting, as examples.

Amelanchier berries are edible and ripen in the middle of summer. They have a similar flavour to blueberries and can be eaten in a variety of ways. They are delicious raw, and there is no unpleasant aftertaste. They’re also great in pies and jams.

A low maintenance tree.

a full young Downy Serviceberry in full bloom
A full young Downy Serviceberry in full bloom


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