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Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Downy Serviceberry provides food for over 40 species of birds. The berries can be used to make jams or pies and taste almost like the berries from the Highbush Blueberry.
It prefers acidic, moist, well-drained soils, but is adaptable to many soil conditions.
Botanical Name: Amelanchier arborea spp. arbor
En français: Amélanchier aborescent
See More Plants in this Botanical Family:
Sun / Shade:
Water: Low to moderate need for water.
In nature, it grows in open fields, fencerows, edges of woods, thickets, and stream banks. It is adaptable to many garden uses; wildflower gardens, borders, and mass planting, as examples.
Amelanchier berries are edible and ripen in the middle of summer. They have a similar flavour to blueberries and can be eaten in a variety of ways. They are delicious raw, and there is no unpleasant aftertaste. They’re also great in pies and jams.
A low maintenance tree.
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Make sure to stop feeding oil fertilizer in the fall. Propagate new Aloe Vera plants with offsets and learn easy steps to repot and care for them. Enjoy beautiful orange-red blossoms and use the plant to make aloe gel. It's a great way to save money and share with friends and family.
Learn about hügelkultur raised beds for composting and attracting wildlife. Improve soil fertility, water retention and provide for sustainable plant growth.
Learn how to grow nasturtiums from seed and benefit from great nutritional value and versatile in various dishes, from salads to jellies and pesto.
Bring a colorful display of hardy blooms to your outdoor space with Peegee hydrangeas. Learn more about this fast-growing plant, its winter-hardiness, and tips for planting in the Alta Vista area with Patricia's 30+ years of gardening experience.
Enjoy your houseplants year-long with these 12 easy styling and care tips. From raising houseplants and creating new looks, to matching the right lighting, make sure to get the most out of your plants and create a beautiful indoor microclimate.
Rain barrels are a great way to collect water to use on your lawn and garden. Here are tips on how to save on your water bill.
American Beech likes full sun at maturity and tolerates shade when young. Large space is necessary for wide-spreading root system.
Veronicastrum virginicum, also known as Culver's Root, is a tall and hardy perennial that adds unique vertical accents to any yard for summer to fall. Perfect for prairies, damp meadows, and open forests, its cluster of white florets resemble a beautiful candelabra. An ideal choice for wildflower gardens and layered beds.
White oil insecticide is an all natural popular insecticide spray to control a wide range of insect pests, used by organic gardeners.
Shade garden design can provide difficulties: it can range from deep shade to mild shade, and from dry to moist.
If you are fairly new to bulb planting, I suggest that you start with daffodil bulbs. Very few creatures will bother these bulbs. They do well in almost any situation, and they increase their number each year. Tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, and other tasty bulbs are more difficult. Greetings fellow gardeners,
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