The Bur Oak, Quercus macrocarpa, is one of the most massive oaks, with a trunk diameter of up to 10 ft. It commonly grows in the open, away from the dense forest canopy. When grown in Canada, it grows to 12–18 m high and 60–80 cm in diameter. It lives for 200 to 300 years.

Its trunk and upper branches climb towards the sky, while its middle branches grow horizontally. Its natural habitats are forests, riverbanks, rich bottomlands, and sandy plains.

Quick Growing Guide

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Botanical Name: Quercus macrocarpa

Also Called: Blue Oak, Mossycup Oak

En français: Chêneà gros fruits

Sun / Shade:

Water: Moderate to high water consumption.

Hardiness Zones:

Caring for Bur Oak

Slow growth rate (less than 12 inches per year). Does best in rich, well-drained, alkaline loam soils. Root system deep and wide-spreading with a deep taproot. Can be hard to transplant but has high pollution tolerance and withstands the city environment. Drought tolerant.

Companion plant suggestions include Eastern White Pine and Eastern Hemlock.


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