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Basswood is an adaptable native tree with aromatic flowers and pleasant foliage. Its flowers attract a large number of insect pollinators. Basswood honey is delicious. Basswood can serve as a statuesque street tree. It is a medium to large deciduous tree which typically grows to 50-80’ (infrequently to over 100’) tall with an ovate-rounded crown. It is native to a variety of habitats from Quebec to the southeastern corner of Manitoba.
In nature, it can be found in moist rich woods and on slopes.
Quick Growing Guide
Botanical Name: Tilia americana
Also Called: American Linden, Bois blanc
En français: Tilleul d’Amérique
Sun / Shade:
Water: Does not require a lot of water.
Several animal species eat the seeds or browse on twigs and foliage. Blooms beige-yellow fragrant blossoms. Moderate growth rate and shade tolerant. Needs space to grow. Has soft wood so is prone to damage.
Caring for Basswood
Easily transplanted. Low to moderate pollution tolerance.
Companion plant suggestions include Sugar Maple, American Beech, Yellow Birch.
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