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Basswood is an adaptable native tree with aromatic flowers and pleasant foliage. Its flowers attract a large number of insect pollinators. Basswood honey is delicious. Basswood can serve as a statuesque street tree. It is a medium to large deciduous tree which typically grows to 50-80’ (infrequently to over 100’) tall with an ovate-rounded crown. It is native to a variety of habitats from Quebec to the southeastern corner of Manitoba.
In nature, it can be found in moist rich woods and on slopes.
Botanical Name: Tilia americana
Also Called: American Linden, Bois blanc
En français: Tilleul d’Amérique
Sun / Shade:
Water: Does not require a lot of water.
Several animal species eat the seeds or browse on twigs and foliage. Blooms beige-yellow fragrant blossoms. Moderate growth rate and shade tolerant. Needs space to grow. Has soft wood so is prone to damage.
Easily transplanted. Low to moderate pollution tolerance.
Companion plant suggestions include Sugar Maple, American Beech, Yellow Birch.
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Read how container gardening allows you to enjoy the benefits of a broad range of garden plants even in a small space.
Landscape berms and mounds are an easy and attractive way to add interest to your yard and landscape. Building them isn’t complicated.
Add meaning and beauty to any event or home decor with a flower that perfectly suits your personality. Discover why tulips vs orchids are popular blooms and how their symbolism can be used to show feelings of love and friendship. Plus, learn the deeper meaning behind their colors including red, yellow, pink, white, purple, orange, and even black!
Colour returns to my garden. The crocuses are jewel-like in the early morning, the bloodroot opens up to the spring sunshine.
As a pest control technician and business owner, I have found that every year, at least one insect has a boom in population.
Meta description: Enjoy a late-season burst of color in your garden with White Heath Aster: a bushy, compact plant with many small daisy-like white flowers that can turn your garden completely white. Blooming into fall, it's a great choice for a butterfly, pollinator, or cut flower garden!
Discover expert recommendations for your fall garden. Learn about planting bulbs, storing dahlias, overwintering annuals, and more for a beautiful spring garden.
Garden Fabric can prevent unwanted weeds, can make your garden maintenance easier by keeping weed and grass under control.
We discuss how to choose the right plants for your butterfly garden and establish smart practices to provide a safe haven for butterflies.
Pruning tomato plants will boost yields. Teaching your plants and manipulating fruit yield requires time and effort. Read to find our more.
Now let’s take a look at your fern and double check it is living its best life. Here are 10 things to keep in mind as you tend to your fern.
Silphium Terebinthinaceum displays its bright yellow flowers on tall stems in late summer. They attracts pollinators, birds. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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