American Elder


Cephas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

At least 50 species of songbirds, upland game birds, and small mammals relish the fruit of American elder during summer and early fall.

American Elder is fast-growing shrub is known for its large clusters of yellowish-white, star-shaped flowers. Grown as a border, it provides an incredible summer floral display. The dark purple elderberries are used to make jellies, pies, juice, and wine and also to attract a variety of different bird species. To ensure a good crop, plant more than one shrub.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Sambucus canadensis

Also Called: White Elder, Common Elderberry, Sureau du Canada, Sirop blanc.

En français: Sureau blanc


Sun / Shade:

Water: Need for lots of water.


Hardiness Zones:

Best Soil: Does best in moist, humous soils, but will tolerate dry soils and is pH adaptable.

Its natural habitat: Low ground, thickets, edges of woods, roadsides, fence rows, rich moist lowlands..

American Elder tree
American Elder tree

Caring for American Elder

Transplants easily. Clusters of white flowers in July. Edible purple-black berries.

Companion plant suggestions include Shrub borders, roadside plantings, native plants


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