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James St. John, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Twin flower is a charming evergreen creeping vine that forms large mats in moist, shady woods. Its sweet-smelling blooms attract bees. After the flowers have faded, the plant’s evergreen leaves remain beneath the snow all winter.
The Twin flower (Linnaea borealis) is a plant found throughout the northern hemisphere in circumboreal habitats. It occurs across the northern hemisphere, from Siberia to Sweden, and across North America. “Borealis” means “northern.” It is sometimes spelt twinflower.
Botanical Name: Linnaea borealis
En français: Linnée boréale
Sun / Shade:
Water: Keep moist. Will not tolerate drought.
In Canada, Linnaea borealis longiflora is considered of conservation significance in the Yukon Territory, along the eastern edge of its range.
The twin flower has tiny pink bell-shaped flowers that sit atop a Y-shaped stem. They are in the family Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle). It is a perennial that blooms from June to September.
The twin flower prefers light shade to direct sunlight. They make excellent ground cover in woodland gardens. It grows in forests, meadows, lakes, rivers, and on dry mountain slopes, and is  suitable for use as a native ground cover in rock gardens and on peat bogs. It has amazing stems that can grow to be a foot or two tall (20 to 40 cms)
Seeds are hard to collect, but they don’t need any cold treatment to sow. They can be sown in the fall or the spring. It can be propagated by division and by cuttings as well. They are great ground cover plants, but they need room to grow.
Twin flower plant care is easy. They do not do well in extreme moisture or drought. The best way to propogate them is through stem cuttings in late spring.
Although twin flowers reproduce through underground runners and spread easily, they are not considered aggressive and are often taken over by other plants. If you want to use them as ground cover, you should give them enough room to spread if you want them to multiply.
No common pests or diseases.
It was named for Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778), the father of modern botany, who liked the flower so much he had his portrait painted with it. He was responsible for naming of around 8,000 plants, as well as many animals and the scientific designation for humans: Homo sapiens. The naming of Linnaea borealis was not done by Carolus himself, but rather friend and teacher Jan Frederik Gronovious in his honour.
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Royal Catchfly has showy, brilliant red flowers that are ideal for butterfly gardens, open woods, rocky soils, borders, and prairies.
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the hoary vervain bee, or Evylaeus villosulus. Likewise, it has been recorded that there are over 60 species of butterflies and moths, including the Northern Broken Dash, Sachem Skipper, and large orange sulphur, actively feeding on its flowers. Verbena stricta, or hoary vervain, is a wildflower native to most states in the US. It's known for its beautiful flowers and attracts a variety of bees and butterflies such as honeybees and the Northern Broken Dash. Learn more about this special flower and its features.
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Silphium Terebinthinaceum displays its bright yellow flowers on tall stems in late summer. They attracts pollinators, birds.
Milkweed is required for a Monarch Waystation. Butterflies can feed on nectar plants, and can lay their eggs on milkweed in the area.
Ornamental Grasses are very decorative, and well-placed specimens can create very eye-catching points of interest. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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