Category Topics

Growing Food is about edible gardening, and food security covers:
– Growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs to promote self-sufficiency and reduce food costs.
– Interest in heirloom varieties and seed saving.
– Kitchen gardening
– Supporting local food systems and reducing the carbon footprint of food production.

Starting Seeds in August: Growing Food

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  • A pile of carrots freshly picked from the ground

    Starting Seeds in August

    The weather continues to lurch to extremes! Humidity, high heat, and torrential rains. A big test for our gardens. It can be disheartening to…

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  • Bright red nanking cherries in colander

    Fish Emulsion Fertilizer and Nanking Cherries

    This month has flown by, and life seems to be so very busy. It has been dreadfully hot and then there were torrential rains…

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  • Ornamentals and vegetables planted together

    Mixing it Up: Combining Edibles with Ornamentals

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Just a few decades ago, planting ornamental plants and food crops together would have been frowned upon…

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  • Abundant Lemon Verbena

    Abundant Lemon Verbena

    Author: Nancy McDonald, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. If you are like me and grow lemon verbena, you now have a very…

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  • A dozen or more glorius orange nasturtium flowers

    Edible Flowers You Can Grow

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Lanark County. Edible flowers have long been part of the cuisines of distinct cultures. Take, for example, squash…

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  • Dozens of freshly picked multi colored carrots

    Carrots and Their Kin

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County; published with permission One of my favourite vegetables is the carrot. They are easy to grow…

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  • garlic just harvested

    When is My Garlic Ready to harvest?

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County; published with permission Garlic is a wonderful crop. You plant it in October, mulching it well…

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  • A close up of blueberry bush withripe blueberries

    Grow Your Own Blueberries

    Author: Claire Leduc, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission There are not many treats better than fresh berries. Ripe blueberries are no exception.…

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  • Six jars of varied homemade preserves in vinegars

    Homemade Vinegars From the Garden

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission I really enjoy finding culinary uses for my plants. So, I was thrilled…

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  • Orange and red nasturtium flowers and leaves, lightly stylized

    Nasturtiums, An Incredible Edible

    Author: Nancy McDonald, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus) are wonderful flowers for both our gardens and kitchens. This vibrant annual comes from…

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  • Growing Ginger Root

    Author: Penka Matanska, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission Testing the boundaries of what can be grown in Ottawa, Canadian climate Zone 5a,…

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  • Orange and red nasturtium flowers and leaves, lightly stylized

    Discover Incredible Nasturtiums

    Nasturtiums, with their vibrant flowers and lush foliage, are not only a visual delight but also an incredible edible. Both the leaves and the…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Freezing Seasonal Produce

    Author: Rebecca Last,  Gardening at Last and Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. Published with permission This was an amazing year for tomatoes. My small garden…

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  • Jars of Tomato seeds fermenting

    Three Ways to Collect Tomato Seeds

    That being said, as your tomatoes ripen, it is important to collect your seeds. I find that ripe tomatoes, free from pests and diseases,…

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  • Pinkish lowbush blueberry leaves in the fall

    Preparing for Frost

    I have most of my vegetables in pots at this point, so they are a little less likely to get frost damage. Greetings fellow…

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  • A farmer's feild with rows of newly planted corn

    Canada’s Green Acres: Finding Your Perfect Farm for Sale

    From British Columbia’s vineyards to Alberta’s wheat fields and Quebec’s dairy farms, Canada offers a variety of rural properties. However, as a prospective farm…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Edible Native Plants

    Do you imagine how much traditional gardening practices are harming our planet? If not, you may contribute to soil depletion, water pollution, biodiversity loss,…

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  • Mulberry muffins in a cooking tray coming out of the oven ready to eat

    My Mulberry Decided to Bear Fruit

    I came back in the afternoon to pick them and they were gone! Apparently, mulberries are a favourite of my various bird neighbours. Greetings…

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  • A new blue Borage plant growing in a spring garden

    Borage Self Seeds and Attracts Pollinators

    To me, borage is an herb that is one of the best plants to grow for pollinators. Bumblebees and butterflies are always enjoying it…

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  • Virburnum plant with light blue flowers beginning to bloom

    Spring Garden into Summer

    As spring advances and summer sets in, Judith shares valued observations on ticks, virburnums and transplanting herbs and vegetables. Greetings fellow gardeners, It is…

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  • A research scientist taking apart the bee hotel

    Bees Need Water and the Bee Hotel

    Bees need water and this water is a good source for the bees in the hotels. My pond has some cattails that need to…

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  • Two people tending to a sheltered mushroom garden

    8 Tips For Sustainable Mushroom Cultivation At Home

    Sustainability refers to the capacity to maintain a process over an extended duration while minimizing adverse impacts on the environment. Interestingly, mushrooms exhibit this…

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  • Vanilla ramosa plant

    Growing and Cultivating Vanilla Plants

    The vanilla plant is an orchid. There are approximately 110 species of vanilla orchid, but only two of these produce commercial vanilla. About 15…

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  • Tomato seedlings in a grow tent.

    Try Fermenting Tomato Seeds to Improve Seed Quality

    I cut tomatoes to open them, scooped out the seeds and put them in a jar with some water. This caused the seeds to…

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