Category Topics

Growing amd Caring for plants involves providing them with the right conditions to thrive, which includes attention to watering, light, soil, temperature, and occasionally pruning or fertilizing.

By consistently providing appropriate care and attention, you can help your plants thrive and enjoy the beauty and benefits they bring to your home or garden.

The Meaning of Gorgeous Flowers: Growing and Caring for Plants

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  • Bouquet of Gorgeous Flowers

    The Meaning of Gorgeous Flowers

    Flowers are incredible natural beings. They are delightful and emitting delicious fragrances much to everyone’s delight. But flowers also carry deep meanings to let…

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  • An elegant bouquet of striking flowers with pink lilies and rose

    On the Meaning of a Lily: Colour is Key

    Lilies are absolutely beautiful flowers that can be given as gifts. Do they symbolize something? The delightful white lily is a popular choice to…

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  • Man trimming his hedge with a perfect lawn

    How to Care for Your Lawn in the Fall

    Fall lawn care will help to make sure it is in tip-top shape for the coming winter. While many residents assume spring is the…

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  • White gardenia flower

    How To Grow and Care For Gardenia Plants

    Perfection in Nature! It happens when the beautiful waxy white flower of the Gardenia plant fills the air with its intoxicating, unmistakable fragrance. Myths…

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  • white Gardenia Flower

    Gardenia Plant Problems

    Summary: Below are a series of Gardenia problems homeowners may experience. Related: Brown tips on indoor plants Gardenia Leaves Turning Yellow The Gardenia plant…

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  • Delosperma echinatum pickle plant in a container

    How To Grow and Care for the Adorable Pickle Plant

    With its plump, little gherkin shaped leaves, Delosperma echinatum, also known as the Pickle Plant, is simply too cute for words. Come learn how to…

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  • Veggie Bites – Roses

    My next big chore is to protect my roses; I have a lot of them. All of my roses are hardy, and most are…

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  • a top view of a filed of purple new england asters

    Top Beautiful Fall Plants For Your Garden

    These 5 beautiful plants to have around this fall are in vibrant shades of yellow, orange, red with late blooms providing pops of colour.…

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  • Pruning Hibiscus For Best Growth

    Pruning Hibiscus benefits all varieties, but the timing and technique will differ depending on the variety and how long you plan to keep it.…

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  • Veggie Bites – Dog Strangling Vine

    The vine it must be removed as soon as it is discovered, or it will wreak havoc in your garden. Dog Strangling Vine grows…

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  • How To Grow Succulent Plants Outdoors

    Dramatic, bizarre garden succulents lend themselves perfectly to the enhancing of contemporary architecture. Once banished to the rock garden, these plants are becoming more…

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  • A young girl with a dog in a forest glen

    It was March 2020

    It was in March 2020. The streets were empty, the shops closed, people couldn’t get out. But spring did not know and the flowers…

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  • Bee pollinating a pear tree flower

    2019 Ottawa Garden Survey – Executive Summary

    This a summary of the most frequent comments received from 81 questionnaire responses received by Gardens Ottawa between February 8th and March 31st, 2019.

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  • Are Your Trees in Danger of Falling?

    If you have numerous garden trees in the backyard, it could be dangerous as they may fall down, causing a lot of damage. This…

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  • A tray of small pots holding many small and colourful succulents

    7 Awesome Reasons to Grow Succulents in Your Garden

    Some plants are more resilient and can survive with little food and moisture. They are known as succulents, and they can grow in your…

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  • Red sedum looking like its on fire

    Sedum Autumn Fire Growing And Care

    The post Sedum Autumn Fire [Autumn Fire Stonecrop] Growing And Care appeared first on Plant Care Today. Sedum “Autumn Fire” is a succulent belonging…

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  • To Everything There Is A Season – Even Plants

    The post To Everything There Is A Season – Even Plants appeared first on Plant Care Today. A time to plant, and a time…

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  • Cactus with one bright red flower

    Flowering Cactus: How To Make Cactus Bloom [All Year Round]

    The cactus flower, it can be difficult to get spiky desert cactus to bloom when you keep them as houseplants. The reason is that…

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  • Chicks and Hens succulents in a pot

    Succulent Pot in a Pot

    Create a potted succulent “floral” arrangement inside another pot.

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  • Cortaderia selloana grass by a body of water

    On Using Ornamental Grasses In The Landscape

    The many different varieties of interesting grasses provide an easy way to add color and contrast to a monochrome landscape setting. Grasses are very…

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  • A close up of a climbing hydrangea with white flowers

    Easy Care and Beauty of Climbing Hydrangeas

    The climbing Hydrangea is a woody, vine species of hydrangea belonging to the Hydrangeaceae family. The plant is native to Japan, Siberia, and the…

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  • A succulent arrangement in a pot or container

    Get Inspired to Create a Next Level Succulent Arrangement

    Succulent arrangements are long lasting creations that can be enjoyed indoors or out. This DIY video from Garden Answer will show you just how…

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  • Three green ferns against a black background

    Fern Care Guide

    Photo by: Lesley Davidson We all love ferns, they are a classic houseplant. Ferns come in all kinds of sizes, textures and colors. Yet…

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  • A sedum flower in its fall colours

    Learn How To Grow Sedum Plants

    These easy-care, low-water plants are found in the Northern Hemisphere, but some members are native to South America and Africa.

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