Red Osier Dogwood Quick Growth Guide


Red Osier Dogwood Fruit and Leaves by Krzysztof Golik, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Red Osier Dogwood has unique red stems that look great in all seasons. It is simple to grow and grows quickly. It has white flowers in the early spring and white to pale blue fruit in the late summer.

Cornus stolonifera natural habitat: Shores, river flats, edges of marshes, damp open woods and thickets. It can grow up to 8 feet (260 cms) in height, but there is dwarf version which grows to 4 feet (130 cms).

Quick Growing Guide

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Botanical Name: Cornus stolonifera

En français: Cornouiller stolonifère



Sun / Shade:

Water: Requires plenty of water.


Hardiness Zones:

Showing the red bark of the red osier dogwaood

This Dogwood is easily transplanted. Flat-topped Red stems look wonderful in winter garden. Needs rejuvenation pruning to maintain red stems and longer life. Lower branches prostrate and may root. Best in informal, natural settings. Will grow on a variety of poorly drained soils or sand in pH 5.0 – 6.5.


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