Posts: Pink

Caring for a Preston Lilac (Syringa x prestoniae)

Caring for a Preston Lilac (Syringa x prestoniae)

Successfully growing a Preston Lilac requires thoughtful consideration of your local climate and soil conditions. This guide is based on firsthand experience from the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden in Lethbridge, Alberta—a city located in hardiness zone 4B, where winters are cold, and the climate is relatively dry. You can also see Preston Lilac by visiting Nikka Yuko. Planting Location: Full Sun:…



Fireweed, a member of the willow plant family, is distinguished by its gorgeous magenta flowers. Its common name comes from its sudden appearance after a wildfire. It may be a colourful addition to sunny, damp areas. It grows fast by rhizomes and requires little upkeep once established. It cannot, however, withstand competition; if other species…

How to Grow and Care for Wintergreen

How to Grow and Care for Wintergreen

The wintergreen shrub is accentuated with either gorgeous, white bell-shaped flowers or brilliant, pinkish-red berries, depending on the season.  Beautiful, fragrant wintergreen has evergreen foliage. This plant does well indoors, though it is typically used as ground cover. It’s the ideal addition to make your house cheery in the winter. Wintergreen makes excellent ground cover…

Coneflowers Add Brilliant Colours to Your Garden

Coneflowers Add Brilliant Colours to Your Garden

Echinacea is an excellent flower to grow in a garden because its brilliant colours stand out against the green surroundings. They make an eye-catching colour display, especially when placed amid shorter perennials, where the spectacular purple, pink, and white blooms shine out above the leaves. It is also one of the perennial border’s longest-blooming plants….

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed

Eutrochium maculatum, sometimes known as Joe Pye Weed, is a stunning plant that grows tall with robust stems that rarely need to be anchored. It is excellent for establishing views in the garden. The purple-speckled stems match the dusty rose-colored blooms, which appear from July to early October. Because it self-produces and ‘travels’ effectively, it…

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus Syriacus), a popular garden addition, is frequently planted to provide a burst of late-season colour after other trees and shrubs have finished blooming. Hibiscus Syriacus is a traditional choice for landscape focal points. This plant makes an excellent specimen, foundation, or border plant. This is ideal for larger patio containers. Rose…

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