David E Mead, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
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The exotic African Milk Tree, Euphorbia trigona

Euphorbia trigona , or African Milk Tree, is known for rapid and enthusiastic growth. Growing up to six to eight feet tall, it is a rugged, easy-care plant with thorns! The plant features three-sided stalks with spines along its edges and cactus-like branches, and is appropriate in a variety of landscaping and gardening uses. Many…

Is a Pond Aerator the Silver Bullet for Your Pond Problems?

Is a Pond Aerator the Silver Bullet for Your Pond Problems?

The bubbles rising from your aerator not only circulate the water, but also break up the surface tension as they break the surface. This has a few beneficial effects. First, it prevents some water-walking insects from taking advantage of your pond. The most important of these, of course, is mosquitos, which can otherwise use your pond to lay eggs.

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