Herbs in the Garden: Growing Herbs at Home

Growing herbs enriches culinary experiences, promotes wellness, supports biodiversity, and fosters a deeper appreciation for gardening and self-sufficiency. Whether you have a small herb garden on your windowsill or a dedicated herb plot in your backyard, the benefits of growing herbs are plentiful and rewarding.

For us at home, the most significant benefit of having a selection of herbs growing on our window sill or on our balcony is the availability of fresh herbs at any time to enhance our meals.

  • Lavender in a white pot

    Herbs in the Garden

    Nothing brings taste and freshness to your meals and to your senses like fresh herbs. The scent that greets you as you walk past…

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  • Abundant Lemon Verbena

    Abundant Lemon Verbena

    Author: Nancy McDonald, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. If you are like me and grow lemon verbena, you now have a very…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Freezing Seasonal Produce

    Author: Rebecca Last,  Gardening at Last and Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. Published with permission This was an amazing year for tomatoes. My small garden…

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  • Virburnum plant with light blue flowers beginning to bloom

    Spring Garden into Summer

    As spring advances and summer sets in, Judith shares valued observations on ticks, virburnums and transplanting herbs and vegetables. Greetings fellow gardeners, It is…

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  • Vanilla ramosa plant

    Growing and Cultivating Vanilla Plants

    The vanilla plant is an orchid. There are approximately 110 species of vanilla orchid, but only two of these produce commercial vanilla. About 15…

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  • A photo of the oldest medicinal plant book from 1552

    The oldest herbal book in the Americas

    CRUZ – BADIANO MEXICAN CODEX The Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis, better known as the Cruz-Badiano Codex (of Mexican medicinal plants) is the oldest…

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  • Microgreens on a shrimp platter

    Microgreens for Breakfast

    Microgreens often start with two little leaves, and then they will get a couple more. This is the time that I clip them as…

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  • A healthy Sage Plant

    On Harvesting and Drying Sage

    Judith describes her simple process for drying sage. I stopped and drank in the view this morning on my way to open the chicken…

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  • Mad-dog Skullcap

    The leaves of the Mad-dog Skullcap are serrated and opposing, and the stem is square and often hairless. As a member of the mint…

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  • Herbs hanging in kitchen to dry

    How to Dry Herbs

    While freshly picked herbs produce the best flavours, there is always an abundance that cannot be used in a single season. The next best…

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  • Oregano Plants before they make seeds ready fo make pesto

    Judith’s Oregano Pesto

    Oregano is a woody perennial, so I often harvest only the young plants. I have discovered that my oregano makes amazing pesto! It is…

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  • Lance-leaved Figwort plant, leaf and flower

    Lance-Leaved Figwort Growing Guide

    Lance-Leaved Figwort, and figworts for that matter, are plants which may not have the most attractive appearance. However, they provide a large amount of…

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  • Palnt, leaf and flower of the desmodium canadense 'Showy tick trefoil'

    Showy Tick Trefoil

    Showy Tick Trefoil is a native erect perennial forb growing from 3 to 5 feet high on leafy stems that branch at the inflorescence.…

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  • A glass teapot of freshly brewed green tea, with the green tea leaves visible also

    7 Calming Teas and Herbs For Anxiety

    There are several herbs and remedial plants noted for their ability to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep, all while promoting a healthy lifestyle.…

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  • The leaves of six herbs against a white background

    7 Best Kitchen Herbs for Cooking That You Can Grow Yourself

    Cooking with fresh herbs and spices does not have to be complicated or expensive. You can also have an indoor herb garden, especially if…

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  • Veggie Bites – Microgreens for Breakfast

    If I were to continue with microgreens, I think I would grab several packets of regular seed from the dollar store and do a…

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  • a package of microgreen seeds

    Veggie Bites – Microgreens

    Microgreens are basically the seedlings of edible vegetables like beets and kale, or herbs like basil or cilantro. Their popularity in the kitchen seemed…

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  • Veggie Bites – Sage and Dragon Fruit

    A couple of weeks ago, I planted some of the white sage seeds that were sent to me from California. This zone nine sage…

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  • Veggie Bites – Calendula and Grapeseed

    I am very excited at how well my calendula oil turned out. I used grapeseed oil as my carrier oil this time… Greetings fellow…

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  • Veggie Bites – Peonies and Borage

    Oh, Borage, I love this herb!  I am hoping that you will try planting it next year in your garden or in pots. Greetings…

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  • a bright yellow calendula flower and plant

    Veggie Bites – Calendula and Other Herbs

    My calendula is producing flowers at a good rate and beginning to set seeds. It is a great plant for pollinators and I often…

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  • Coriander, Cilantro

    Cilantro – Love it or Hate it

    Cilantro – Easy to grow and wonderful to eat. You get two herbs in one.

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