Category Topics

Insects and critters play vital roles in garden ecosystems, contributing to pollination, pest control, decomposition, and overall biodiversity.

The Amazing Life Cycle of the Aphid: Insects And Critters in the Garden

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  • A ladybug on a leaf

    The Amazing Life Cycle of the Aphid

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County Like every gardener I know, my garden has been visited – or should I say, attacked–…

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  • In Defence of Earwigs in Your Garden

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County Mention the word earwig to a group of gardeners, and you get a strong negative reaction.…

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  • Climbing roses in an arch

    Rose Pests: European Rose Sawfly and Rose Plume Moth

    Author: Amanda Carrigan, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission I like roses but grow only two hardy kinds – cinnamon rose (Rosa majalis)…

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  • Watering can with fish emulsion fertilizer

    Watering with Fish Emulsion Fertilizer

    With the continuing heat, I try to do most of my watering in the early morning. I have a nice big green watering can…

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  • A small neem oil jar with fruit beside the jar

    How To Use Neem Oil on Plants

    Wondering how to use neem oil as a natural fungicide on plants? Find out below. Neem oil is a vegetable oil that, in addition…

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  • One puppy on grass chewing a stick

    Keep Dogs Out of Your Garden

    Keep your dog out of your garden and your precious flowerbeds without limiting their freedom. Sometimes it’s not so much the flowers and plants…

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  • A mound of white Diatomaceous earth

    Diatomaceous Earth Keeps Insects Away

    Insects are all at once the friend and the foe of the gardener. Beneficial bugs help with pollination and can help to keep the…

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  • A big leaf showing significant plant disease with discolouring and molds

    Top 5 Plant Killing Diseases and Protections

    Plant diseases can ruin your day! If you have several ornamental or edible plants in your garden, it’s a good idea to have a…

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  • Dog looking guilty for digging up a garden

    10 Tips On Making Your Garden Dog Friendly (And Dog-Proof)

    If have a dog, you understand the need to have a dog friendly garden. The excitement and curiosity of visitors to your garden may…

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  • red and black lady bug - a good bug - on green leaf plant

    Beneficial Insects and Good Bugs For Your Garden

    Here’s the deal on Beneficial Insects (aka good garden bugs). You may think all insects are pests or bugs, but that simply is not…

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  • Brown and White dog with safe garden flowers and plants

    Toxic Plants for Dogs and Cats, and Safe Flowers

    It is important to be aware that plants and flowers are toxic to dogs and cats. This list can vary for dogs, cats, horses,…

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  • A close up of the face and eyes of a wasp on white textile

    Wasp Removal: Issues and Natural Methods

    The need for wasp removal is directly proportional to how often they bother you. Or a wasp nest in a bad spot is “Wasp…

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  • A dozen or more aphids with a red and black ladybug on green leaf

    Getting Rid Of Aphids: Yes, but Don’t Be Too Quick About It

    Aphids, small piecing, sucking, leaf eating, and troublesome pests are common on outdoor plants and on houseplants. Aphids are easily brought indoors on infested…

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  • Black vine weeveil beetle crawling

    Black Vine Weevil Beetles And Larvae Control

    Taxus weevil is a very serious pest both landscape plantings and in nursery and greenhouse settings. Hailing from Europe, this pest was first seen…

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  • A close up a a lavender garden

    On Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

    Many commercial mosquitoes and insect repellent contain harmful chemicals which are toxic to children and pets. We are providing you here most effective and…

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  • A leafy area with pests on it's twigs

    19 Garden Pests and How To Treat Them

    Unfortunately, one of the most severe issues you will face off is the fight with pests. I will list you here some basic strategies…

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  • orange and black monarch butterfly on flower

    Veggie Bites – Monarch Waystation

    You will need milkweed for a Monarch Waystation; however, I know of people who are allergic to milkweed and find it difficult to be…

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  • White Oil Insecticide Organic Pesticide

    White oil is an all natural pest-fighting concoction and popular insecticide spray in Australia.

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  • A tree with white flowers in full bloom, attracting aphids

    Aphids and Pest Control – Treat Them Correctly

    As a pest control technician and business owner, I have found that every year, at least one insect has a boom in population.  Last…

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  • A proud chicken outside his coop

    Growing Your Garden with some Chickens

    If you own some of our known feathered friends, consider growing a garden with and for your chickens! It comes with great advantages for…

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  • A hand holding soap bubbles

    Homemade Insecticidal Soap Recipe Choices

    Did you know that home gardeners have been using homemade insecticidal soap for a long time? Fish-oil soap used to be the common solution…

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  • 5 Easy to Grow Mosquito Repelling Plants

    One of the downsides of enjoying the outdoors is dealing with mosquitoes. There are some easy-to-grow plants with mosquito repelling properties, which is a…

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  • Tips On Avoiding Ticks And Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is a bacterial disease that is transmitted to people through infected tick bites, particularly from the black-legged tick. Those affected will exhibit…

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  • A striped cucumber beetle on a leaf

    Get Rid Of Striped, Spotted Cucumber Beetles

    The Cucumber beetle is a common pests throughout most of southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. Cucumber beetles spread plant disease and lay…

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