Top 10 North American Gardens Worth Traveling For

Top 10 North American Gardens Worth Traveling For

The list is an joint promotion of the Garden Council of Canada and the American Public Gardens Association. The list for 2017 (in alphabetical order) is: Chicago Botanic Garden (; Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden ( ; Ethnobotanical Garden (; Halifax Public Gardens (; Hershey Gardens (; Reford Gardens (; Las Ponzas (; Longue Vue House and Gardens (; San Diego Botanic Garden (; and Tucson Botanical Gardens (

2018 Garden Trends: Containers, Privacy, Pollinators

2018 Garden Trends: Containers, Privacy, Pollinators

With a year of conferences, tests, trials and garden visits under our belts, we’re excited to tell you about the big ideas we think will be influencing the gardening world in the months ahead. Beyond popular colors and new varieties, big-picture themes always emerge on the world (gardening) stage that prompt designers and plant breeders to shift their work towards our changing needs. This year, most of what we see heading your way has to do with population, technology, cooperation over competition, and plants that solve problems. Keep reading to see what we’ve been taking note of!

Is a Pond Aerator the Silver Bullet for Your Pond Problems?

Is a Pond Aerator the Silver Bullet for Your Pond Problems?

The bubbles rising from your aerator not only circulate the water, but also break up the surface tension as they break the surface. This has a few beneficial effects. First, it prevents some water-walking insects from taking advantage of your pond. The most important of these, of course, is mosquitos, which can otherwise use your pond to lay eggs.

Home Inspections: Why To Look At More Than Just The House

Home Inspections: Why To Look At More Than Just The House

When you purchase a home, many buyers will opt to have a home inspection done on the property. This inspection can be very helpful in discovering any possible issues with wiring, plumbing, structure, foundation, roofing etc. But many times the inspection stops there. While these are very important aspects of the inspection, the exterior aspects…

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