The White Oak has been an important tree in North American society over the centuries. It can live for several hundred years and starts producing acorns at around 50-100 years old, which are eaten by many types of wildlife. Its wood is used in many ways, including wine and whiskey barrel production due to its strength and durability.

Adaptable to a wide variety of soil conditions. Does best on deep, moist, well-drained loam or sandy soil. (pH range 5.5 – 6.5).

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Quercus alba

En français: Chêneblanc

Sun / Shade:

Water: Low to moderate need for water.


Hardiness Zones:

its natural habitat: Limestone ridges; dry, broadleaf upland forests..

This oak can be difficult to transplant. Dislikes being disturbed, so transplant when small.

Companion plants

Companion plants suggestions for White Oak include Eastern Hemlock, Eastern White Pine, Red Pine.

How to Recognize White Oak

  • Bark. They have bark that ranges in colour from off-white to ashy grey. It can have a scaly or platelike appearance. though patches of nearly smooth bark are common in older trees.
  • Leaves. White oak leaves are deeply lobed, with rounded tips on the lobes. The leaves of an entire tree will turn scarlet or purple in the fall.
  • Acorns. White Oak acorns are about 3/4 in. long.
  • It will split straight, but only with effort, since the wood is tough and heavy.


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