Plants that love the sun may provide vitality and colour to bare regions in the landscape. Before selecting plants, determine where the sun shines the most in your yard and then visit your local garden shop for the best options.

For more ideas on plants that love the sun, search for full sun flowers in our plant selection tool.

Black-eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susans, Rudbeckia hirta, thrive in the sun and are named for their dark brown cores that peep out of the gold or golden petals. These daisy-like blossoms are ideal for the summer’s long days. They grow to be around 2 feet tall and can withstand extreme heat and drought. Zones 3–9 are suitable.

A clump of Rudbeckia Hirta Black Eyed Susans along a walkway


This drought-tolerant perennial has a lengthy flowering cycle from summer to October. This is a delightful groundcover since it may spread over the garden. It is available in a wide range of hues. It is a garden powerhouse that is simple to cultivate. Zones 3–9 are suitable.

New growth catnip (Nepeta cataria) pushing up from the ground
Catmint – Nepeta cataria
Credit: Robert Flogaus-Faust, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia

Dwarf Fountain Grass

Fountain grass is an excellent ground cover for adding texture to your yard. Planting a dwarf variety will allow you to provide texture in fewer spaces. This pant performs well in both dry and wet environments, so as long as it is exposed to sunlight, it will perform well. Zones 5–9 are suitable.

A clump of Pennisetum Fountain grass
Dwarf Fountain grass.
Credit Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Peonies, another fan favourite, produce the most beautiful cut flowers. Make careful to place them in full light while growing them in a cutting garden. There are many of reasons not to incorporate them in your garden this year, with so much texture, colour, and scent. Zones 3-8 are suitable.

A few dozen peonies flowers in full bloom
Peonies in our garden


This is a plant that will provide for you indefinitely. Sedums grow larger each year, making it an ideal plant for a border or a space that needs filling. It will either hug the ground or grow up to 3 feet tall depending on the kind. Zones 3-10 are suitable.

A sedum flower in its fall colours
Sedum in fall colours


This flower was designed to be exposed to the sun. It shouts summer in a way that no other bloom can. They will grow healthily and easily almost everywhere there is light, all while attracting pollinators with them. The size and height of your blooms will be determined by your local climate.

A field of sunflowers ready to seed


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