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Julianne Labreche, Master Gardener, Ottawa-Carleton
N= Native Plant
These are alternatives to Miscanthus, considered an invasive plant species.
Merlin Bird ID Website:
eBird Website:
Birds Canada
Decline of the North American Avifauna, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, et al, Science, 04 October, 2019, Volume 366, Issue 6461, pp. 120-124
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Coffee grounds are good for some plants and not for others. We explain why and identify specific vegetables, plants and flowers.
By putting in a bit of time and effort into improving your garden, you’ll make it an ideal spot for outdoor living with family and friends.
When it comes to growing beans, there are many different types of beans that can be grown in your garden or even inside the house in a container.
Dahlia plants store food and energy on their roots and underground stems called tubers. They look like sweet potatoes.
Starflower is a plant that grows in the forest understory or as a groundcover in damp, shaded soils, occasionally on the banks of rivers and ponds.
Common Sneezeweed looks gorgeous when planted en masse and mixes wonderfully with decorative grasses or other perennial plants.
ideas serve to improve appearance, curb appeal, and aesthetic value. It helps make landscapes and yards more attractive and functional.
Swamp milkweed thrives in swampy areas and wet meadows. It is a monarch butterfly host plant and is essential to their life.
Plant peppers and make terracotta pot wreaths this winter while enjoying the warmth of the woodstove in your garden. You will get the benefit of pollinators going to your peppers and the joy of finished decoration for your outdoor space. A great way to spend your evening!
Learn how to keep your houseplants tidy and healthy, and how to properly groom them. Learn why it's important, how to detect pests and illness early and discover the best ways to clean and groom your plants including which cleaning products to use, how not to scrub furry leaves, and which techniques to use when cleaning smooth leaves.
My partial shade planter is starting to grow. I put a cage in the center and then planted peas; they will climb up the cage.
A gardening business is one of the most fruitful endeavours and is guaranteed to reap good profits however there are a few limiting factors. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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