Eutrochium maculatum, sometimes known as Joe Pye Weed, is a stunning plant that grows tall with robust stems that rarely need to be anchored. It is excellent for establishing views in the garden. The purple-speckled stems match the dusty rose-colored blooms, which appear from July to early October. Because it self-produces and ‘travels’ effectively, it should be planted with caution in limited landscape contexts; nonetheless, it is simply transferred back to where it belongs. This is a sturdy, attractive shrub that blooms in the northern half of North America in late summer and early fall, reaching a height of five to six feet.

A great Selection for Your Fall Wildflower Garden

It emerges late in the spring but develops quickly to 1.5–2 m by midsummer. When the flowers begin to blossom, they will attract a large number of pollinators. By August, your garden will be humming with a variety of bees feasting on the blooms. The nectar of the flowers attracts bumblebees, long-horned bees, leaf-cutting bees, bee flies, butterflies, skippers, and moths. It is a great plant for a thriving fall garden.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Eutrochium maculatum

Also Called: Spotte Jie Pye Weed

En français: Eupatoire maculée

See More Plants in this Botanical Family:



Water: Do not let soil dry



Hardiness Zones:

How to Plant and Grow

Pick and cut straight down into the soil between the stems using a sharp shovel. Leave the remaining root ball in place as you dig up one stem of Joe Pye Weed and its attached roots. Root sections should be replanted wherever you wish at the same depth as before, and the soil should be well irrigated.

You can direct sow Joe Pye Weed by scattering seeds across the bed and lightly raking them in. Ensure that the soil to be used remains moist until the ground freezes. Sow the seeds about 1/8 inch deep in potting mix containers about five weeks before spring temperatures are consistently above 50°F.

Joe Pye Weed grows best in full to partial shade, but too much shade might cause it to flop over and increase legginess. Under shaded conditions, the plant might also become susceptible to illness. During the summer, though, it needs protection from the intense afternoon heat.


The beauty of Joe Pye Weed does not discourage some people from eliminating it from their environment.

  • Because it readily spreads through its blossoms, removing the flowers can minimize self-propagation.
  • It can be removed by digging and removing it, but it is one of the most time-consuming methods.
  • Cutting them down with loppers and applying herbicide (glyphosate) to the cut stem will kill the roots if digging is too difficult. To remove all of it, you may have to keep at it for a while.

Copper fungicide, when used according to instructions, is safe for all kinds of plants, including joe Pye weed. It is important to use no more than what’s recommended to avoid harming them.

Companion Plants

Switchgrass, eastern bee balm, godenrods, ironweeds, grasses, coneflowers, and feather reed grass are all good companion plants for Joe Pye Weed.


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