Yellow Loosestrife is a colorful wildflower which likes moist to wet and even seasonally wet conditions in nature but will also grow well in loamy rich soils. With bright showy blooms and deep maroon fall foliage, this plant will have an impact on the landscape.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Lysimachia terrestris

En français: Salicaire frangé



Sun / Shade:

Water: Moist to wet


Hardiness Zones:

Its natural habitats are meadows and damp woods with dappled light. It can be planted on the margins of ponds and sloughs, or along creeks and low wet areas to help stabilise the soil and banks along seasonal drainage paths; it is an excellent choice for large landscapes.

Some of the perks of Fringed Loosestrife are that it is a cold tolerant plant, and it can tolerate seasonal flooding.

The flowers produce an essential oil. A variety of bees collect oil and pollen from the flowers. Look into medicinal uses of sister plan the four-flowered yellow loosestrife.

Yellow Loosestrife In its natural habitat by water.
Yellow Loosestrife In its natural habitat by water.
Credit: Jomegat, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Caring for Yellow Loosestrife

Easily grown in moist, humusy, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Plants will spread in optimum growing conditions, but are not as aggressive as some of the other lysimachias. May be grown from seed.


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