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Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Thimbleweed is an excellent spring flower for the shaded or woodland garden, with flowers from summer to early fall. It is a good choice for naturalized areas or native wildflower gardens. It is not an aggressive species.
A few fine, short, soft hairs grow on the plant. It has a ramified stem that grows 60 to 100 cm tall above the small leaves that grow around the flower (involucre). The stalks of the basal leaves are long. They are divided into three sections, which are further subdivided.
Botanical Name: Anemone virginiana
Also Called: Tall Anemone
En français: Anémone de Virginie
Sun / Shade:
Anemone virginiana is easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained, sandy-humusy soil. Though it prefers in full sun to part shade, it tolerates full shade. It is not as aggressive as most other anemone species.
You can propagate thimbleweed by seeds sown in fall or early spring. Or, divide older established plants.
Meadows, borders, and fence lines are its natural habitat. Ferns, False Solomon’s seal, may apple, yellow wood poppy, amsonia, asters, and sedges are all good companion plants.
This wild plant is spurned by animals due to its blistering sap. Even deer will avoid browsing the plant because all parts have a chemical which causes pain, blisters and irritation of the mouth that can develop into vomiting and diarrhea if ingested.
When consumed in large quantities, all parts of this plant are toxic. This plant is expectorant, astringent, and emetic. A decoction of its roots was used by indigeneous nations to treat coughs, tuberculosis, and diarrhoea.
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In saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades, I learned that drying seeds on paper towel works, but it’s a hassle detaching the seeds.
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Common Blue Violet is a ground cover that provides an early nectar source for pollinators. Read more about this official state flower.
Virginia Mountain Mint is a vigorous, long-lasting plant ideal for wildlife gardens. It attracts pollinators. Read the Quick Growth Guide.
One way to control Phytophthora root rot is to reduce soil compaction and provide good drainage of soil for your plant and improve the soil moisture.
We plant and sow for tomorrow. There is some faith on the part of the gardener mixed into the recipe of each successful garden.
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Burdock long tap roots haven’t developed the little hair-like roots that anchor them in the ground. I get great joy in pulling noxious weeds. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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