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Native to eastern North America, the American beech will stand out in any forest. It is a large deciduous tree, sometimes growing up to 120 feet tall . Its crown is typically dense, upright-oval to rounded-spreading. It blooms yellowish green flowers in the spring, the male flowers in drooping, long-stemmed, globular clusters and the female flowers in short spikes. Female flowers give way to triangular nuts enclosed by spiny bracts. Beechnuts ripen in the fall and are edible. It holds its toothed, golden-brown leaves very late into the winter.
Good upland tree. Likes full sun at maturity. Tolerates shade when young. Large space such as lawns, parks, are necessary for wide-spreading root system. Can sucker from roots. Transplant during dormant season.
Botanical Name: Fagus grandifolia
Also Called: Other names: Red Beech, Hêtre rouge, Hêtre américain
En français: Hêtre à grandes feuilles
Sun / Shade:
Water: Low to moderate need for water. Does not like excessively wet soils.
Companion plant suggestions include Mixed woods, often with Sugar Maple, Yellow Birch and Eastern Hemlock.
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Just as I prepare to stay warm this winter, I also need to prepare the garden for the upcoming winter season. Prepare plants, winter compost.
How to chose, transplant, propagate and care for Bromeliad plants. Neoregelia’s foliage is impressive as the blooms.
Start your eggplant early and when it has filled its seed-starting container, transplant it into a two-gallon pot.
Bring a colorful display of hardy blooms to your outdoor space with Peegee hydrangeas. Learn more about this fast-growing plant, its winter-hardiness, and tips for planting in the Alta Vista area with Patricia's 30+ years of gardening experience.
Here’s an easy to make Rosehip Jelly recipe, a tart, sweet jelly. There are many Rosehip uses and benefits, and very good for your health.
Dense Blazing Star has purple wands of packed blooms that face all directions and bloom from the top of the stem down from midsummer to fall.
Find the perfect trellis plants to add color and beauty to your garden. Explore a variety of options and get creative with different trellis designs. Learn more now!
We discuss climate change adaptation strategies which gardeners can control. How can gardeners help mitigate and adapt for positive effects?
The beautiful and fragrant Weeping Alaskan Cedar offers a conical form, soft & wispy foliage, and up to 30 ft of height – perfect for even the smallest of city gardens. See why this is a favorite among many and get design and planting advice from Ottawa's own Patricia.
Discover the unique Saskatoon Berry Bush, a native of the Canadian Prairies. It withstands temperatures ranging -50° C to -60° C and yields sweet and nutty fruit with multiple health benefits. Learn more about planting and using this Rose family member in food and brewing!
Discover the distinct features and habitats of Lysimachia quadrifolia, a species of herbaceous plant in the Primulaceae family. Learn more about its Liner robust leaves, five-parted, yellow flower & how it spreads in wet meadows, grasslands, fields, swamps & marshes. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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