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Overall, growing vegetables at home offers numerous advantages beyond just the practical benefits of having fresh produce. It can enrich your diet, improve your health, enhance your connection to nature, and provide a fulfilling and enjoyable hobby for individuals and families alike.

Starting Seeds in August: Growing Vegetables at Home

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  • A pile of carrots freshly picked from the ground

    Starting Seeds in August

    The weather continues to lurch to extremes! Humidity, high heat, and torrential rains. A big test for our gardens. It can be disheartening to…

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  • Dozens of freshly picked multi colored carrots

    Carrots and Their Kin

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County; published with permission One of my favourite vegetables is the carrot. They are easy to grow…

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  • An incredible vegetable display tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, peppers, onions, lettuce and so on

    Freezing Seasonal Produce

    Author: Rebecca Last,  Gardening at Last and Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. Published with permission This was an amazing year for tomatoes. My small garden…

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  • Jars of Tomato seeds fermenting

    Three Ways to Collect Tomato Seeds

    That being said, as your tomatoes ripen, it is important to collect your seeds. I find that ripe tomatoes, free from pests and diseases,…

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  • Pinkish lowbush blueberry leaves in the fall

    Preparing for Frost

    I have most of my vegetables in pots at this point, so they are a little less likely to get frost damage. Greetings fellow…

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  • Virburnum plant with light blue flowers beginning to bloom

    Spring Garden into Summer

    As spring advances and summer sets in, Judith shares valued observations on ticks, virburnums and transplanting herbs and vegetables. Greetings fellow gardeners, It is…

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  • A research scientist taking apart the bee hotel

    Bees Need Water and the Bee Hotel

    Bees need water and this water is a good source for the bees in the hotels. My pond has some cattails that need to…

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  • Two people tending to a sheltered mushroom garden

    8 Tips For Sustainable Mushroom Cultivation At Home

    Sustainability refers to the capacity to maintain a process over an extended duration while minimizing adverse impacts on the environment. Interestingly, mushrooms exhibit this…

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  • Tomato seedlings in a grow tent.

    Try Fermenting Tomato Seeds to Improve Seed Quality

    I cut tomatoes to open them, scooped out the seeds and put them in a jar with some water. This caused the seeds to…

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  • a row of terracotta pots iwth various peppes and plants

    Growing All My Peppers in Pots

    I found that peppers growing with flowers that attracted pollinators did better that those that were planted by themselves. I think a splash of…

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  • A growth of white mushroom invitingly held by a woman

    How To Grow Mushrooms From Scratch

    Many people are becoming interested in growing mushrooms for personal consumption. Mushrooms are growing in popularity because they’re excellent sources of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and selenium. You can find…

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  • Potatoes in ground ready to be picked

    Planting in the Sun

    Judith discusses the importance of locating your plants in the sun It is a grey day with various types of precipitation and a heavy…

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  • Calendula plant ready to seed in a garden

    Calendula Seeds In an Envelope

    For calendula seeds, once it is dry, I shake the seedhead into an envelope and store the seeds in a cool, dark place. They…

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  • Cubanelle pepper seeds

    Going to Seed

    Several flowers and vegetables are going to seed. I took the opportunity to carefully collect Sweet Cubanelle pepper seeds. The humidity is oppressive this…

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  • Capsicum annuum cubanelle pepper growing on its plant

    Cubanelle pepper

    Cubanelle pepper, beautiful, sweet, from the species Capsicum annuum, is almost ready to pick. It has gone through some tough times with chipmunks digging in…

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  • Nasturtium Vinaigrette Ingredients

    Nasturtium Vinaigrette Recipe

    Today I am straining my nasturtium vinegar and making my Nasturtium Vinaigrette. I like to use basil as my herb, but really the herb…

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  • Zucchini with yellowing leaves as a sing of magniesium deficiency

    Magnesium Deficiency In Plants

    Magnesium deficiency in plants can be identified most commonly by yellowing leaves while the veins remain green. The lower leaves usually turn yellow first.…

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  • Oregano Plants before they make seeds ready fo make pesto

    Judith’s Oregano Pesto

    Oregano is a woody perennial, so I often harvest only the young plants. I have discovered that my oregano makes amazing pesto! It is…

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  • Six mason jars of rhubarb and orange jam in

    Homemade Rhubard and Orange Jam Recipe

    I found a great recipe for rhubarb-orange jam, and it is truly delicious. I picked the rhubarb and checked the fridge and found some oranges.…

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  • A Woman Pruning a Tomato Plant

    How to Prune Tomato Plants

    It’s simple…. You’ll get the greatest yield when you learn how to prune tomato plants. Growing tomatoes is somewhat akin to growing bonsai. It…

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  • Pea seeds in pots and containers growing in a greenhouse

    Planting Peas from Seed

    Pea seeds are also placed in cardboard tubes, which keep them safe even after they’ve been planted out. Greetings fellow gardeners,   Bee and…

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  • Tomato Seeds on paper towels in the palm of a hand

    How I grow tomatoes from seed

    When planting tomato seeds, I make sure that they are in contact with the soil. I press them gently to make contact and sprinkle…

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  • A rosebud with an early winter snow on it

    End of Harvest, Winterizing My Garden Part 1

    As part of winterizing the garden, I shook the red orach plants so that the seeds are scattered everywhere. Orach seeds easily and I…

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  • An elegant serving of jelly with toast on a plate with a serving cup and spoon

    Pimentos, Beans and Red Pepper Jelly Recipe

    This week’s tour around the garden features Scarlett Runner beans, Pimentos and ends with a favourite Red Pepper Jelly recipe and some health benefits…

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