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Growing amd Caring for plants involves providing them with the right conditions to thrive, which includes attention to watering, light, soil, temperature, and occasionally pruning or fertilizing.

By consistently providing appropriate care and attention, you can help your plants thrive and enjoy the beauty and benefits they bring to your home or garden.

Please Touch the Plants: The Sense of Touch in the Garden: Growing and Caring for Plants

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  • A hand reachng out to flowers in a soft light

    Please Touch the Plants: The Sense of Touch in the Garden

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardener of Ottawa Carleton Gardening is an active, hands-on pursuit where the gardener has her hands in the soil, feeling…

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  • Pink and purple hydrangea with dozens of big ball-like flowers

    Hydrangea Care: an Easy Guide for Beginners

    You’re likely familiar with the big, impressive blooms of the hydrangea. What you might not know, though, is how simple hydrangea care can be.…

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  • Yogurt with strawberries and gooseberries in a bowl

    Fresh from the Garden: The Gardener’s Sense of Taste

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa Carleton One of the true joys of gardening is eating the vegetables, herbs, and fruits that you…

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  • Ornamentals and vegetables planted together

    Mixing it Up: Combining Edibles with Ornamentals

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Just a few decades ago, planting ornamental plants and food crops together would have been frowned upon…

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  • Wildflowers with a sunny backdrop

    Plant suggestions for Creating a Wildflower Garden

    Creating a wildflower garden at your cottage is a fantastic way to enhance the natural beauty of the area, support local ecosystems, and enjoy…

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  • A glorious rock garden with a small stream running through it

    Water Wise Gardening

    Author: Rebecca Last, Gardening at Last, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; Why bother to save water? In my house, water bills are a big motivator. Like many…

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  • A stricking coleus with geraniums companion plant

    Annuals: Why We Love Them and Tips for Success

    Author: Claire Leduc, Master Gardeners of Lanark County After months of winter and pandemic restrictions, gardeners will be eager to get outdoors and enjoy…

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  • White petals nad yellow centers of the Cuitlauzin pen Orchid

    Cuitlauzina Pendula: Orchid of the month

    Orchids, with their elegance and diversity, have captivated nature lovers for centuries. Among these botanical jewels, Cuitlauzina pendula stands out as an endemic species…

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  • Sense of Smell in the Garden

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton. In this article, the first of a five-part series on the five senses in the garden, the…

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  • Bur Oak by a road side

    Keystone Plants Trees – Ecoregion Five

    Author: Adair Heuchan, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleto.. “Oaks support more forms of life and more fascinating interactions than any other tree genus in North…

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  • Wildflowers with a sunny backdrop

    Favorite Easy-To-Grow Wildflower Combinations

    Zinnias and Cosmos are one of the easiest and most prolific annual combinations for endless blooms from summer through fall. Bonus: This combination makes…

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  • Small round garden table in an attractive garden landscape

    Gardening In Small Spaces

    Author: Andrea Knight, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton My husband and I have owned our home in Ottawa for over twenty years, giving me lots…

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  • Two white serviceberry flowers

    Gardening for Nature: Ecoregion Five

    Author: Julianne Labreche, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission “In the past, we have asked one thing of our gardens: that they be…

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  • Grow a Garden Full of Memories

    Author: Lee Ann Smith, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton, Published with Permission However you define a garden oasis, I’d like to encourage you to grow…

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  • Pinkish lowbush blueberry leaves in the fall

    Keystone Plants Shrubs Ecoregion 5

    Author: Penka Matanska, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. “Restoring viable habitat within the humandominated landscapes that separate habitat fragments – with as…

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  • Wildflowers with a sunny backdrop

    Wildflower and Native Plants: Are they the same?

    Author: Nancy McDonald, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission It’s not only new gardeners who assume that wildflowers and native plants are the…

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  • A very dense growth of pink peonies

    How to Care for Peonies

    The several dozen species of peonies that are grown mostly by enthusiasts, specialists and researchers are often reproduced by seeds. Seeds are occasionally employed…

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  • Homemade jam in five mason jars

    Judith’s Meyers Lemon Marmalade Recipe

    As usual, the weather is being weird. Freezing cold at one moment and unseasonably warm the next. This is very hard, not only for…

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  • Two white serviceberry flowers

    Keystone Plants: Flowering Perennials in Ecoregion Five

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton; published with permission. “We can each make a measurable difference almost immediately by planting a native nearby.…

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  • Large purple-white Clematis Nelly Moser Flower

    Clematis: To Prune or Not to Prune

    Author: Dale Odorizzi, Master Gardeners of Lanark County; published with permission Few subjects in gardening are as confusing as the proper pruning of clematis.…

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  • Plant of the Year

    Plant of the Year

    The “Plant of the Year” is often designated by various gardening and horticultural societies or organizations, and sometimes by individual countries, so there can…

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  • Bright red poinsettia flowers and petals

    The Beauty of the Poinsettia Plant

    Poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, is distinguished by having a single female flower that lacks petals and frequently has sepals. Separate male flowers surround the sepals,…

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  • lavender in a field


    Lavender, known for its fragrant purple flowers and silvery foliage, is a popular plant for gardens and landscapes. It’s relatively easy to care for…

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  • A Red and Orange daylily

    Inspired by different colours, shapes and sizes of my daylilies

    I love the different colours and shapes and sizes.  My brilliant large yellow daylily looks like it should be dessert, while the peachy frilly…

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