Cuitlauzina Pendula: Orchid of the month

Orchids, with their elegance and diversity, have captivated nature lovers for centuries. Among these botanical jewels, Cuitlauzina pendula stands out as an endemic species of Mexico that deserves our attention.

It is a small to medium-sized orchid, epiphytic and, in some cases, terrestrial, with a short rhizome and green pseudobulbs with two leaves each. It blooms in late spring and produces a 30-cm-long hanging inflorescence with long-lived, lemon-scented, waxy flowers. It is distributed throughout Sinaloa, Jalisco and Michoacán, mainly in oak and pine forests at altitudes of 1400 to 2200 meters.

The Aroma of Eternity

A myth related to this orchid refers to its aroma. It is said that the perfume of Cuitlauzina Pendula is so intoxicating that whoever inhales it experiences a brief journey into the spirit world. Some believe that this scent is a link between our world and the afterlife and that the orchid acts as a temporary portal to eternity.

C. pendula is a botanical wonder and a symbol of connection between humans and nature. Its legend and its aroma remind us of the importance of caring for and preserving the biodiversity that surrounds us. During May you can find this species flowering at its maximum splendor in the Vallarta Botanical Garden; don’t miss it!

Authored by By Nat. Eduardo Villegas, Vallarta Botanical Garden



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