Backyard Landscaping Ideas For Small Yards

Backyard Landscaping Ideas For Small Yards

A townhouse garden can be a place to getaway, enjoy nature, go tropical or just getting outside. The smallest backyard and garden, well-arranged and decorated, can be a gem of artistic merit. A fortune does not have to be spent on plant material, landscape bricks or pavers, or a wealth of material used like decorative pottery and water features. Continue reading to learn more about small yard landscaping ideas.

Neoregelia Bromeliad Care Tips

Neoregelia Bromeliad Care Tips

Tip the adult plant out of its pot and gently cut the offsets loose using a very sharp, clean knife or clippers.
Be careful to give the offshoots enough roots to survive. If you cut it separate from all its roots, it will die.
Put the offshoots into their new pots. Cover them with a plastic bag for several days to hold in the moisture and help them get a good start. Be sure to set up a wireframe or a support rod inside the bag to prevent it touching the vegetation of your new plant.

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