Posts: Sandy Loam

White Trillium, an Official Emblem.

White Trillium, an Official Emblem.

The white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum), also known as the wake-robin and the white lily, was officially adopted as Ontario’s floral emblem in 1937.  These perennial wildflowers are ideal for shade gardens and wooded wildflower gardens. The Eastern North America piedmont and mountains are home to the perennial wildflower known as the white trillium. In nature,…

Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host

Pearly Everlasting is a Butterfly Larvae Host

Pearly everlasting features tiny clusters of yellow flowers enclosed by white papery bracts, which look like petals, grace this beautiful wildflower in summer. There are separate male and female flowers, usually on separate plants, and they take on different gender-specific yellow or rust-yellow colors. This short wildflower makes a nice edge for your garden or…