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It is widely used as a Christmas tree and for wreaths. It smells great! It’s a good specimen fir for the landscape, and as an ornamental yard tree. However, it should not be planted in a Zone number higher than Zone 5. The pungent resin yields Canada balsam, used in the manufacture of varnish as well as an adhesive for mounting microscope slides. Snowshoe hares use the trees as cover.
Balsam Fir is susceptible to spruce budworm. A favourite holiday tree.
Botanical Name: Abies balsamea
Also Called: Canada Balsam, Sapin blanc
En français: Sapin baumier
Sun / Shade:
Water: Likes a lot of water
Its natural habitat: Forests, native to central and eastern Canada, northeastern United States.
This tree does best in cool areas; does not tolerate heat and is shade tolerant. Low pollution tolerance. Shallow root system makes it easy to transplant.
Balsam Fir tolerates a variety of soil types but does best in well-drained acidic soils with pH 5.0 – 6.0 and can survive in wetland conditions.
Companion plant suggestions include The Pinaceae (pine family) are trees or shrubs, including cedars, firs, hemlocks, larches, pines and spruces.
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Hibiscus are hardy perennials, while others are annuals, shrubs, or tropical plants. Hibiscus plants are grown for a variety of uses.
Oh, Borage, I love this herb! I am hoping that you will try planting it next year in your garden or in pots.
Discover how to attract and keep birds in your garden with the right mix of bird feeders, shrubs, and trees for a thriving winter habitat.
Learn how to make exquisite chive flower and raspberry vinegars at home with these easy recipes. Perfect for cooking or gifting to friends!
Aloe are simple-to-grow succulents in full sun, well-drained soil, and frequent watering. They tolerate a range of minor neglect. Read on.
Experience the warmth, comfort, and stimulation of white pine uses, including clearing airways, boosting immunity, and treating common ailments with its rich vitamin C content.
Get expert advice on how to protect your roses this winter with netting, breaking off weak branches, and mulching. Discover why snow is the best insulator, and take tips from Judith on preparing for the Annual General Meeting, Christmas Craft shows, inventory and more.
We discuss a series of gardenia problems homeowners may experience, including yellowing leaves, dropping buds, and sooty mold.
Progressively acclimate your indoor plants to the outdoors before transplanting to prevent sunscald, dehydration, wind damage, and more.
Lanceleaf Tickseed is ideal for the garden, outdoor containers, featuring bright yellow blooms that grow quickly in a sunny, dry setting.
Remodel your garden for a private space to enjoy the outdoors, make the most of the sunny days, and socialize with our friends and family
Cute, unique Pickle Plant – Adorable gherkin-shaped leaves. Learn how to care and propagate this fun plant. Perfect houseplant for full sun and partial sun. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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