Sweet White Violet (Viola blanda) is a low-growing stoloniferous perennial with basal, heart-shaped leaves and fragrant, white flowers with strongly reflexed upper petals and a purple-veined lower petal.

Sweet white violets can be found in open mixed woods and clearings in their native eastern United States and Canada. In the wild, they spread to form large carpets on the forest floor, with white flowers on single stalks emerging in spring. Deep green heart-shaped leaves persist throughout the summer.

Quick Growing Guide

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Botanical Name: Viola blanda

En français: Violette agréable



Water: Moist



Hardiness Zones:

Mass or group Viola Blanda in shaded areas of rock gardens, in shade gardens or border fronts. They can be an effective ground cover for small spaces. Leave it undisturbed and allow it to spread in native plant gardens or naturalized areas.

Compared to the Canada Violet, Sweet White Violets have much smaller flowers and are slightly fragrant. The stem also has a more reddish hue.

sweet white violet white flower
Sweet white violet flower

Sweet White Violet Uses

Mass or group Viola Blanda in shaded areas of rock gardens or border fronts. Use them in shade gardens, and as ground cover for small spaces. Leave undisturbed and allow it to spread in native plant gardens or naturalized areas.

Caring for Viola Blanda

Violets prefer damp, well-drained ground, and the sun-dappled protection of woodlands. A quintessential woodland flower, welcome in any garden, violets will spread through runners to create a charming ground cover if you treat them well.


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