The Canada anemone flower is an easy to maintain, dependable and hardy perennial ground cover that produces lovely white buttercup flowers. Because of its rapid growth and adaptability, it would be an ideal choice for those hard-to-grow open spaces in your garden. One of the reasons it makes a great ground cover is because it is an aggressive spreader.

As a summer bloomer, this showy wildflower is perfect for naturalizing in moist areas of a wildflower or native plant garden. In nature, it is found along stream banks, in wet woods, and in moist meadows. It may also be grown near streams, ponds, or water gardens.

Quick Growing Guide

Botanical Name: Anemonastrum canadensis

Also Called: Meadow anemone or roundleaf anemone

En français: Anémone du Canada



Water: Moist



Hardiness Zones:

Caring for Canada Anemone Flower

Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, humusy soils in part shade, but tolerates full sun in cool summer climates. Avoid windy sites.

Canada Anemone white flower
Close up of Canada anemone white flower

Companion Plants

Companion plant suggestions include Cardinal flower.


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