Events: Van Berlo Gardens

Open Gardens

Open Gardens

Join us for a stroll through two beautiful gardens at peak bloom during our Open Gardens event. Visit Maitland Garden of Hope and Van Berlo Gardens, both in Maitland, Ontario. Maitland Garden of Hope: 1 Jones Court, Maitland, ON; Van Berlo Gardens: 1357 County Road 2, Maitland, ON; (Rain date: 20 July)

Van Berlo Gardens

Van Berlo Gardens

Van Berlo Gardens is an impressive 2.4 acre garden overlooking the St. Lawrence River.  There is lots to see and appreciate in this plant collectors garden.  The front yard is completely planted with a selection of sun-loving plants, many of which are colorful. The backyard is a relaxing, shady retreat overlooking the water and the…