Organizing My Seeds


Judith Cox




The envelopes in the Christmas container can hold my seed catalogues. I am not the most organized gardener, but if all of my seeds are in the same place, I am going to save time and money.

Greetings fellow gardeners

The too-many cats and I are spending our winter evenings pouring over seed catalogues.  I am trying to be reserved as I already have many seeds saved and squirreled away in various places in the house. I thought that it was time to organize them so that I could see what I have and to find the pepper seeds so I can get some peppers started.

This year, I have decided to grow about two or three different peppers instead of trying a large assortment. I realized last year that I wasn’t able to give my peppers the attention they needed. I need some spicy ones for salsa and some sweet ones for salads.  I like the pimento peppers, but they are not as abundant as the sweet Cuban peppers. The jalapenos needed more from me. I forgot to water them a couple of times, and they never forgave me. They were not plump and ready for salsa. 

I have collected all of the packages of seeds that I can find around the house. The seeds that I have are those that I have ordered in the past and those that I have collected. I found a Christmas wrap container, and I am going to use that for storage. I have a box for purchased seed, one for collected seed, and some dividers. The envelopes in the Christmas container can hold my seed catalogues. I am not the most organized gardener, but if all of my seeds are in the same place, I am going to save time and money.

  Christmas container now to be used as seed storage.

I found my pepper seeds and other packages as well, and I put them all in the container. I have most of the seeds ready to go

I found an amazing number of empty envelopes. Once I disposed of them and found even more packages in the living room, I was all set to organize them. The seeds I collected went in the large box, and the purchased seed packages went in the smaller box. Now everything is at my fingertips.

I find that I am very happy to have this job done. I was always upset that I had seeds everywhere and that I never knew what I had. 

Now I need to clean off the top two shelves of my plant compound. I am careful to just use water and maybe a little soap because cleaning sprays could upset little seedlings. Once the shelves are cleaned, I can plant my peppers and get ready for the growing season. 

It is so exciting to think that soon I will be back in the dirt! My next step is to make notes about where I want to put everything and to make sure I don’t repeat any of my past mistakes. Enjoy your week. Judith. (Email:  Veggie Bites are available at or

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