Lilac Care and Propagation
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Lilac Care and Propagation

Lilacs are some of the most beautiful plants, with their vibrant colours and sweet fragrance! They are perfect for any landscaping application, including hedges, foundation plantings, small gardens, and street trees. Lilacs are adapted to periods of cold weather before they can produce flowers. They are low-maintenance and ideal for a range of landscaping applications, including hedges, foundation plantings,…

How To Grow Forget Me Not Flower

How To Grow Forget Me Not Flower

The Forget Me Not flower, by any other name would not be so sweet to gardeners, nor would the other numerous little blue forget me not flowers affectionately given the same name by their admirers.
True forget-me-not flowers have been prized by gardeners for generations.
Perhaps the little blue flowers of the forget-me-not are cherished because they are reminiscent of gardens of the long ago childhood gardens, or those of a beloved mother or grandmother.

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