Category Topics

Growing Food is about edible gardening, and food security covers:
– Growing fruits, vegetables, and herbs to promote self-sufficiency and reduce food costs.
– Interest in heirloom varieties and seed saving.
– Kitchen gardening
– Supporting local food systems and reducing the carbon footprint of food production.

Spring Plants To Consider Growing: Growing Food

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  • Photo of a walkway through a garden of rose bushes

    Spring Plants To Consider Growing

    As the days get longer and warmer with the arrival of spring, many people are eager to enjoy the outdoors and start gardening. Whether…

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  • pineapple, slices, fruit

    Health Benefits of Pineapples

    The pineapple is the only edible bromeliad available today, and it offers many health benefits. It is a complex plant with dozens of individual…

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  • A photo of the oldest medicinal plant book from 1552

    The oldest herbal book in the Americas

    CRUZ – BADIANO MEXICAN CODEX The Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis, better known as the Cruz-Badiano Codex (of Mexican medicinal plants) is the oldest…

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  • a row of terracotta pots iwth various peppes and plants

    Growing All My Peppers in Pots

    I found that peppers growing with flowers that attracted pollinators did better that those that were planted by themselves. I think a splash of…

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  • Microgreens on a shrimp platter

    Microgreens for Breakfast

    Microgreens often start with two little leaves, and then they will get a couple more. This is the time that I clip them as…

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  • A growth of white mushroom invitingly held by a woman

    How To Grow Mushrooms From Scratch

    Many people are becoming interested in growing mushrooms for personal consumption. Mushrooms are growing in popularity because they’re excellent sources of protein, fiber, antioxidants, and selenium. You can find…

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  • Potatoes in ground ready to be picked

    Planting in the Sun

    Judith discusses the importance of locating your plants in the sun It is a grey day with various types of precipitation and a heavy…

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  • A healthy Sage Plant

    On Harvesting and Drying Sage

    Judith describes her simple process for drying sage. I stopped and drank in the view this morning on my way to open the chicken…

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  • Extracting and collecting seeds from half a dozen tomatoes

    A Method for Saving Tomato Seeds

    Judith discusses a slightly different method of saving tomato seeds, which involves fermenting the seeds to improve their quality. It is a dark morning…

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  • Close up of Saskatoon berry red round fruits on green leaves

    Saskatoon Berry Bush Adapts

    The Saskatoon Berry Bush is a woody, perennial shrub that can yield fruit and adapt to a variety of soil types and climatic conditions.…

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  • Blackberry bush, leaves, and fruit

    Blackberry is Easy to Grow

    Blackberry bush is the plant for you if you are searching for simple fruit to grow in limited space. In many areas, these sweet-tasting…

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  • Partridgeberry as ground cover with red fruit


    Partridgeberry is a low-growing, creeping, and woody herb that is evergreen, perennial, part of the Rubiaceae family. From Newfoundland down to central Florida and…

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  • Calendula plant ready to seed in a garden

    Calendula Seeds In an Envelope

    For calendula seeds, once it is dry, I shake the seedhead into an envelope and store the seeds in a cool, dark place. They…

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  • Many types of mushrooms well organized and displayed on a brown table

    Mushrooms Types in the Garden

    Mushrooms can be a bit of a mystery. Some people are terrified of them, thinking they might be poisonous. Others see them as a…

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  • Cubanelle pepper seeds

    Going to Seed

    Several flowers and vegetables are going to seed. I took the opportunity to carefully collect Sweet Cubanelle pepper seeds. The humidity is oppressive this…

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  • Mad-dog Skullcap

    The leaves of the Mad-dog Skullcap are serrated and opposing, and the stem is square and often hairless. As a member of the mint…

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  • Capsicum annuum cubanelle pepper growing on its plant

    Cubanelle pepper

    Cubanelle pepper, beautiful, sweet, from the species Capsicum annuum, is almost ready to pick. It has gone through some tough times with chipmunks digging in…

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  • Herbs hanging in kitchen to dry

    How to Dry Herbs

    While freshly picked herbs produce the best flavours, there is always an abundance that cannot be used in a single season. The next best…

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  • Nasturtium Vinaigrette Ingredients

    Nasturtium Vinaigrette Recipe

    Today I am straining my nasturtium vinegar and making my Nasturtium Vinaigrette. I like to use basil as my herb, but really the herb…

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  • Dep purple Bela Lugosi Daylily

    Zaatar Climbing Herb

    Zaatar is an interesting herb and kind of acts like a climbing sage. The leaves are good to eat fresh, and they are quite…

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  • Zucchini with yellowing leaves as a sing of magniesium deficiency

    Magnesium Deficiency In Plants

    Magnesium deficiency in plants can be identified most commonly by yellowing leaves while the veins remain green. The lower leaves usually turn yellow first.…

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  • Oregano Plants before they make seeds ready fo make pesto

    Judith’s Oregano Pesto

    Oregano is a woody perennial, so I often harvest only the young plants. I have discovered that my oregano makes amazing pesto! It is…

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  • Lance-leaved Figwort plant, leaf and flower

    Lance-Leaved Figwort Growing Guide

    Lance-Leaved Figwort, and figworts for that matter, are plants which may not have the most attractive appearance. However, they provide a large amount of…

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  • Palnt, leaf and flower of the desmodium canadense 'Showy tick trefoil'

    Showy Tick Trefoil

    Showy Tick Trefoil is a native erect perennial forb growing from 3 to 5 feet high on leafy stems that branch at the inflorescence.…

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