Visit Canada’s Botanical and Public Gardens

Discover the magic of nature at exceptional gardens

About twenty-four canoe paddles in an art display hanging among tall maple trees
Visiting Gardens Promotes Well-being
General Garden Map 3×4

Recommended Gardens

Partner Category
  • All
  • Public Garden (16)
  • Botanical Garden (11)
  • Arboretum (1)

Jardin universitaire Roger-Van den Hende

Découvrez le Jardin Roger-Van den Hende et sa collection uniques de près de 4 000 espèces et cultivars de plantes indigènes du Québec et ornementales d'Europe, Amérique et Asie. Une visite inoubliable!

Kingsbrae Garden

Visit the Kingsbrae Garden for an enjoyable day. Book a nearby hotel. Research and book activities in the area.

Van Berlo Gardens

Visit the 2.4 acre Van Berlo Gardens featuring rare plants, sun-loving gardens, and a peaceful arboretum. Book your appointment now!

Whistling Gardens

Explore Ontario's premier horticulture gardens with 20 acres of 4,500+ unique flora, including the rare Baishan Fir tree.