Can Epson Salts Help Minimize Transplant Shock?

Yes, Epsom salts can help the roots recover from transplant shock. When plants are transplanted, the shock might cause them to grow weak and wither. The use of Epsom salt significantly reduces the shock.

Use one cup of Epsom salt per 100 square feet of soil while preparing the soil for transplanting, and water – even soak – the plant well before transplanting.

Here are more tips on using Epsom salts during transplanting.

  1. Fill the transplant destination location, whether it’s potting containers or target holes in the garden, with top quality soil.
  2. Before transplanting, thoroughly water all of the plants to be transplanted. Also, moisten the area and/or soil where the fresh transplants will be placed.
  3. Mix Epsom salts at a ratio of one tablespoon to one gallon of water. Saturate the transplanting location with water before adding the Epsom mixture.
  4. Make every effort to keep the roots as undisturbed as possible when relocating the plant from its original position. To keep dirt from slipping off the plant, grip the plant base with a flat palm.
  5. Place the plant in the desired hole or container, taking special care not to injure the roots.
  6. Water the plant lightly with the Epsom salt solution.


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