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Plants native to your region are the best options for attracting and supporting wildlife. Visit the links on our resources page about-us to find books, webpages and apps that will help you choose plants. If in doubt, experiment! You’ll learn a lotby trying out different plants in your garden.
There a number of sites which let you quickly search and browse through plants based on criteria.
As one example, visit Our site started with only native plants to our zone 5 area, but has expanded to include other plants which prosper in our area.
Many nurseries have plant knwledgebases. Here is the link the plant knowledge base at Ritchie Feed and Seed
The growers who run and operate these nurseries are experts in choosing the right plant for the right spot. Describe your garden conditions to them and they will set you up for success.
Here is a list of 12 essential gardening tools. You will also need fertilizerr, black earth, compost and mulch from your garden center, or generous friedns and neighbours!
This four-season guide allows you to start gardening at any point in the year. Just pick your starting season on the wheel and continue clockwise through your first year. You’ll find everything you need to know on the Planning and Glossary pages.
Your garden is critical to restoring habitat and building a healthy future for your region and the wildlife that calls it home. When you fill your garden with plants native to your local environment, you’re helping biodiversity thrive. When everyone does it, we’re helping to grow Canada’s biggest wildlife garden!
Fall is the best season to grow native plants from seeds. Rake bare soil to loosen the top layer, scatter your seeds thinly over the ground and pres down
to loosely pack the soil. The seeds will germinate the following spring. Mark the boundary of the seded area so you can find it the following year.
Master gardener Judith Cox provides quick tips on testing the validity of seeds.
Spread a small amount (about 1L/m?) of your solid fertilizer onto the garden area. Use a stiffrake to mix the fertilizer into the top layer of soil. If you notice any weeds, use the raketo pull them out by the root and mix them into the top layer of soil. This is known as “turning under” the weeds and will help fertilize the soil. Avoid rakingany existing native plants or sprouting seedlings fi present in your garden bed.
Judith Cox’ favorite fertilizer is fish emulsion.
Dried leaves make for a perfect protective layer (leaf mulch) for your plants during winter. Take fallen leaves and pile them around your plants to
create a 15-30 cm deep layer. Leaving dried plant stems in the garden also provides homes for insects including native bees and will indicate where plants will re-sprout in spring.
Dig a hole about twice as deep and twice as wide as the root of the plant. Scatter ahandful of fertilizer and dug-out soil in the bottom ofthehole, place the root into the hole then fil in the gaps with dug-out soil. Gently press the soil down and thoroughly water the plant. Space plants a minimum of 30 cm apart, leaving more room for larger plants. Don’t forget to label your plants.
Plants in the ground, covered by a layerof leaf mulch, will be perfectly safe over winter. If your plants are in containers, they will need some additional protection. Bring them into a cold garage or shed or wrap them in a tarp, stuffing gapswith dry leaves to make an insulated “cushion” laver.
Solarizing “bakes” your soil so that all existing plants and seeds will be killed. Water the area vou’ve chosen(e.g. sectionof lawn or weed patch), cover it with a tarp or thick plastic and weigh it down with bricks or stones. Let the sun’s heat “bake” the area under the tarp for a minimum of fourweeks or until you’re ready to plant. Remove the tarp and rake the area.
During the 4-6weeks after planting, water your plants once every 3-4 days. After this period, water your plants only fi you seesigns of wilting (limp leaves or stems) or browning leaves.
Generally, shallow-rooted plants or those that grow quickly in the Spring or Fall arelikely weeds. Remove and compost, spreading stems and roots of any weeds. If you’re not sure what something is, leave it, take a picture and ask a garden expert.
Credit: World Wildlife Fund Canada and Carolinian Canada
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Make your garden the life of the party with Laura from Garden Answer’s vertical strawberry planter! Step-by-step instructions including materials, how to hang & how to get the most from your potting soil & fertilizer. Watch the extended version here!
Admire the mysterious prayer plant, Maranta leuconeura, during the day and night as its leaves fold like praying hands. This popular plant also has chocolate brown markings on its leaves, making it truly unique!
Uncover the delight of bird calls, wind rustling leaves, and more. Embrace the peaceful ambiance of nature's sounds in your garden today!
Learn all about Mad-dog Skullcap, a member of the mint family with unique serrated leaves and vibrant trumpet-shaped flowers. Read up on the plant's growing conditions, blossoming period, and the curious origin of its name, all in this handy article. Get growing now!
Judith shares her secrets on getting her roses ready for winter, including using netting and snow cover. Discover just how she gets her roses prepped with her useful tips and tricks – even with her knee braces!
Thimbleweed is an excellent spring flower for the shaded or woodland garden. Read about Thimbleweed care, propagation, and toxicity.
Celebrate loved ones and honor ancestors by choosing specific plants that hold special meaning. Grow a garden full of cherished memories in your own backyard!
Virginia Mountain Mint is a vigorous, long-lasting plant ideal for wildlife gardens. It attracts pollinators. Read the Quick Growth Guide.
Learn how to create a stunning pond with carefully planted bog plants and trimmed bullrushes, while also managing garden compromises and tackling goutweed infestation.
Learn the importance of documenting seed information, including botanical names and cultivars, to ensure successful gardening and avoid mystery seeds.
Admire the delicate and graceful harebell wildflower with its deep bluish-purple flowers, native to North America and Europe, that are eaten raw, used to make dye, and believed to give witches the power of transformation. A perfect addition to the rock garden that grows through summer and fall, and pollinated by hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.
Wild ginger is an effective ground cover. Its roots and stems have a powerful lemon-ginger scent when crushed. Read how to care and grow. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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