Flower designs

Flower design features and promotes ideas for visually appealing displays.

  • Ornamentals and vegetables planted together

    Mixing it Up: Combining Edibles with Ornamentals

    Author: Claire McCaughey, Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton Just a few decades ago, planting ornamental plants and food crops together would have been frowned upon…

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  • Prosthechea trulla Orchid with its white petals with purple stripes

    Choosing Flowers to Match One’s Personality: Tulips vs. Orchids

    Choosing a flower to suit one’s personality is a fun way to add meaning and beauty to an event or home decor. In this…

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  • White baneberry seeds that resemble doll's eyes

    Five Scary Plants to Frighten Your Day

    With Halloween around the corner, let’s have a bit of fun.  Here are five scary plants that would do any fright night justice.  Venus…

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  • Bright orange orchids in full bloom

    Orchid Care Is About Recreating Habitats

    Basic orchid care attempts to recreate the habitat in which a certain variety of orchid developed. Some bloom November-December and others May-June – although…

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  • field of growing lavender

    Garden Design Trends in Canada

    I’ve put together this list of the top three gardening trends for 2020 I love and I hope you too will love!

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  • Fall Bulb Design: Easy, Colorful Combinations

    Fall-planted bulbs are some of the easiest ways to add impactful colour to your spring garden.

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