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Atlanta Botanical Garden

The Atlanta Botanical Garden is the most attractive destination in the city to visit, thanks to its renowned plant collections, stunning displays, and breathtaking exhibitions. The Garden is an urban retreat with 30 acres of outdoor gardens, an award-winning Children’s Garden, the tranquil Storza Woods, which features a unique Canopy Walk, and the gorgeous Skyline Garden.

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Top Attractions

  • Children’s Garden

    When the youngsters aren’t climbing, playing, and splashing to cool down on hot days, they can learn a lot from the display collections. The carnivorous plant bog is teeming with critter-eating plants, and young architects may build towers in a building play area. There’s also a water “painting” wall. A big treehouse play area with bridges, climbing nets, and large slides provides additional climbing and exploring opportunities. A terraced vegetable garden shows the several stages of edible farming. The conservation bog piques interest with Venus Fly Traps and Pitcher Plants. In the spring, the entry garden is brimming with colourful flowers. During warm weather months, securely observe the inside of a beehive while bees busily produce honey.

  • Canopy Walk

    The Kendeda Canopy Walk in Georgia is a one-of-a-kind attraction that winds through the high forests, displaying environmentally conscious architecture. The extraordinary suspension bridge rises 600 feet from a cliff into the branches of oaks, hickories, and poplars, making it the country’s largest tree canopy-level walkway. While the botanical garden is beautiful in and of itself, the canopy walk lifts visitors high into the trees for an unforgettable view. The Canopy Walk descends to Sourwood Terrace, providing a break before exploring the forest gardens below.

  • Stunning Displays

    Atlanta Botanical Garden celebrates all seasons with spectacular seasonal displays that blend fun, eye-catching images, colour, cutting-edge technology, information, and relaxation.

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