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The Canada anemone flower is an easy to maintain, dependable and hardy perennial ground cover that produces lovely white buttercup flowers. Because of its rapid growth and adaptability, it would be an ideal choice for those hard-to-grow open spaces in your garden. One of the reasons it makes a great ground cover is because it is an aggressive spreader.
As a summer bloomer, this showy wildflower is perfect for naturalizing in moist areas of a wildflower or native plant garden. In nature, it is found along stream banks, in wet woods, and in moist meadows. It may also be grown near streams, ponds, or water gardens.
Botanical Name: Anemonastrum canadensis
Also Called: Meadow anemone or roundleaf anemone
En français: Anémone du Canada
Sun / Shade:
Water: Moist
Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Prefers moist, humusy soils in part shade, but tolerates full sun in cool summer climates. Avoid windy sites.
Companion plant suggestions include Cardinal flower.
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If you use a grocery store tomato for seeds, because it is a hybrid tomato you will not get the same tomato with which you started.
Discover how the Bitternut Hickory tree thrives in various environments and provides sweet rewards for wildlife in shady locations.
Discover the joy of growing borage in your garden. This herb attracts bumblebees, butterflies, hover flies, beetles, and moths. Self-seeding and easy to care for!
Rain barrels are a great way to collect water to use on your lawn and garden. Here are tips on how to save on your water bill.
The Spotted Beebalm has eye-catching clusters of creamy purple-spotted tubular blooms sitting on pink, lavender, or ivory bracts.
Choose 10 of the best bulbs to bring brilliant spring color to your garden! From fragrant Hyacinth to stately Allium, bring joy to early spring with Winter Aconite, Tulips, Crocus, Glory of the Snow and more. Plant before October to ensure stunning blooms.
Read how container gardening allows you to enjoy the benefits of a broad range of garden plants even in a small space.
How to grow flowers with vegetables together, companion plants for beauty and food, giving attention to the soil, sun, water and maintenance.
In saving tomato seeds for almost 5 decades, I learned that drying seeds on paper towel works, but it’s a hassle detaching the seeds.
Discover the benefits of using fish emulsion fertilizer for watering your tomatoes, roses, and other vegetables. Learn how to minimize the risk of ticks and save your bee hotels from ants. Stay prepared for winter gardening. Get expert tips and advice from a fellow gardener.
Turning over the soil damages nutrients and disrupts the soil ecosystem. Explore the benefits of no-till gardening for thriving plants and a healthier environment.
Houseplants in the kitchen help to reduce cooking odours. Grow herbs in your kitchen for easy access while cooking. Here are more ideas. gets some funding from advertisers. If you click on links and advertisements at no cost to you, the site may receive a small commission that helps fund its operation.
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